Independent film festival seeks funds to transition to dedicated online platform

All we need is PEACE!

Project visual Independent film festival seeks funds to transition to dedicated online platform
End date
Out of €1.900
5 %
benita-cullingford559 days

My film unit, J.A.B.S. Productions was thrilled to be awarded joint first prize for Snatched, and to receive a lovely trophy. Thank you and best wishes, Benitaita

benita-cullingford559 days

My film unit, J.A.B.S. Productions was thrilled to be awarded joint first prize for Snatched, and to receive a lovely trophy. thank you and best wishes

benita-cullingford559 days

My film unit, J.A.B.S. Productions was thrilled to be awarded joint first prize for Snatched, and to receive a lovely trophy.