2 januari 2016
BUNKERS, court-métrage documentaire
Help us fund the documentary short film, "BUNKERS" on the inhumane reception conditions for asylum seekers in Geneva.

End date
Out of €2.500
196 %
BUNKERS, court-métrage documentaire
<strong>100% of the goal was achieved in just two days! Thank you so much for your support!</strong></p>
<strong>NEW GOAL: 200%! With 5,000 euros, editing and composition are completely covered.</strong></p>
<em>The project achieved 100% in two days ... THANKS! YOUR SHOW OF SOLIDARITY IS GREAT!!! But please continue to share and talk about the project around you.
I set the goal to 2,500 euros in a prudent way: if the campaign does not reach 100% of its target, we do not receive anything. This is the harsh rule of crowdfunding.
<strong>But the actual requirements exceed 2,500 euros ... </strong>We are missing 6,000 euros as of today to fully complete and distribute the film (the details of the requirements will follow). We will continue to search for funds with private foundations, but their support is pretty unpredictable for a project like this.
<strong>YOUR HELP STILL COUNTS, WE CAN ACHIEVE 200% to pay all major costs and reduce the amount to find through institutional donors.</strong>
So, please continue to share the link, and talk about the project around you. It's not just about money. While some cannot contribute financially, it is through sharing the trailer and the story behind this film that people will become aware of the existence of these bunkers in Geneva and elsewhere in Switzerland.</em>
<strong>THE PROJECT BACKGROUND</strong></p>
<strong>In Geneva, Switzerland, the capital of human rights and the UN headquarters, asylum seekers are housed in bunkers, underground fallout shelters dating back to the Cold War.</strong> Syrians, Eritreans, Sudanese, Afghans ... they are crowded in these bunkers, without air or daylight. They are accommodated for months without any indication of the length of their stay, pending a positive decision on their application for asylum, or return to a country they attempted to flee.
<strong>They thought they had reached the end of their journey, and they find themselves under the ground.</strong>
Press articles covering the issue were published in Swiss newspapers (<a href="http://www.lecourrier.ch/130899/vivre_dans_un_bunker_au_peril_de_sa_sante" target="_blank">"Vivre dans un bunker au péril de sa santé"</a> , <a href="http://www.tdg.ch/geneve/actu-genevoise/tentative-suicide-abri-pc-mobilise-renvois-dublin/story/24345685" target="_blank">"Asile, une tentative de suicide..."</a> ) and even in the American newspaper <a href="http://www.thenation.com/article/refugees-to-europe-do-better-than-this/" target="_blank">The Nation</a>.</p>
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__18.14.36-1450890934" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/262925/Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__18.14.36-1450890934.png"></p>
In 2015, dozens of asylum seekers rose up and created the <a href="https://stopbunkers.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">StopBunkers</a> collective to denounce these inhumane conditions. They have called out to the citizens of Geneva and state authorities to take action. In particular, <strong>some have filmed their living conditions with their mobile phones because media is forbidden in the bunkers.</strong></p>
These images are rare. They show the daily lives of asylum seekers from their own point of view - a perspective to which we have no access. <strong>It is when this unique material was confided to me that I decided to make a film.</strong>
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__18.16.17-1450891077" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/262926/Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__18.16.17-1450891077.png"></p>
This film is able to exist thanks to my meeting with Mohammed, a Sudanese refugee who shared his story with me. He is part of the collective StopBunkers, migrants mobilized for their living conditions.
<strong>Mohammad agreed to speak openly to denounce the inhuman conditions of life underground.</strong>
The short film BUNKERS is not a conventional documentary. The film offers an experience: sensory immersion into the suffocating life of these underground bunkers. The trip underground is done in the first person, supported by the testimony of Mohammad, and images filmed by mobile phones.
The viewer shares the suffering, difficulty in breathing, inability to sleep, overcrowding, tension due to lack of sleep ... that brings to life the trauma of people living in the bunker.
The images from the mobile phones, with the black bars from a vertical video, reinforce the tightness. We also worked on a particular sound atmosphere, built mainly from actual sounds of the bunker, crushed and processed by composer Benoit Renaudin.
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__18.19.16-1450891196" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/262928/Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__18.19.16-1450891196.png"></p>
I hope that this film raises awareness of the living conditions of migrants in Switzerland. Switzerland is often seen as an Eldorado, a rich and prosperous country. No one in Europe imagines the inhuman and degrading conditions in which Switzerland receives asylum seekers.
I started thinking about this film about a year ago, during which time two bunkers were requisitioned to accommodate migrants, only for men. In January 2016, the 10th underground bunker will open it's doors in Geneva. It is scheduled to receive families with children.
The Swiss themselves are often unaware that people live underground, meanwhile shelters are located in schools or community halls, but also sometimes in the countryside.
The film will first be screened at documentary film festivals and on topics of human rights, and following I would like it to be available free online so that the greatest number of people can view it.
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__17.53.08-1450889674" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/262923/Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__17.53.08-1450889674.png"></p>
<strong>WHO IS PART OF THE TEAM? Amazing people!</strong>
<strong>Anne-Claire Adet is the director.</strong>
After studying political science and anthropology, I learned about cinema on the job, by making videos for associations and NGOs for several years, always on social and political issues. For this personal and important project, it was out of the question to be amateur! I've chosen to surround myself with a professional team in order to give the film a truly cinematic quality to carry a strong message.
<strong>A young producer, Yasmine Abdel Aziz, immediately agreed to join the project.</strong>
Born in Egypt, Yasmine lived between Geneva, Paris and Cairo. From being exposed to different cultures, she cultivates a taste for difference and for one to look beyond what is given.
With New Tribe, audiovisual production, she seeks to produce films that question our relationship to otherness and embody a curious, quirky and kind look on our world. She also worked with such major figures as Richard Dindo and Jacob Berger.
<strong>Ana Acosta, an experienced editor, whose films have been presented in major international festivals, made time in her schedule for this film.</strong>
Ana has edited the films of recognized cineasts such as Juan José Lozano (<em>Sabogal</em> in 2015, Crime Hunters in 2014 <em>Impunity </em>in 2010, <em>Unwanted Witness</em> in 2008) and Britta Rindelaub (<em>Out of sight</em> in 2013 <em>Zurück</em> in 2009).
<strong>Benoit Renaudin, was launched into the sound composition.</strong> Rock guitarist, electronic sound manipulator, designer, hacker, he worked on sound design for theater with the stage director Isis Fahmy. His work is inspired by the real sounds recorded in bunkers by french journalist Daphne Gastaldi from the collective We Report.
For interviews, I received valuable assistance from the journalist and director, Miruna Coca-Cozma, who works for Radio Télévision Suisse and has made documentaries, including <em>Notre Ecole</em>, presented in over 70 international festivals.
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__18.24.28-1450891502" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/262930/Capture_d_e_cran_2015-12-23_a__18.24.28-1450891502.png"></p>
Allocation of funds
Many people agreed to work for free for the shooting, and much of the equipment was lent to us. But the post-production has costs that we need to cover.
The editing of the film is coming to a close and we still have not collected the necessary budget to pay for the production team nor to carry out necessary post-production steps (subtitles in French, mixing, calibration, creating copies ).
<strong>The budget</strong>
The minimum budget to create this film is 10,000 euros, paying only those who must be paid.
The foundation "Education 21, films for one world" awarded us 4,000 Swiss francs (about 3,800 euros), but this grant will only be given to us if we can secure other sources of funding. However, the Swiss Romande public commission for the cinema did not accept the project.
We currently lack 6,000 euros for post production. We will solicit private foundations in Switzerland and France, but time is pressing and their support is not guaranteed because this type of documentary film is very unusual.
Your support will allow us to complete the financing, unlock promised aid, and to send a strong message to potential donors by showing that a public wants this film to become a reality!
<strong>Cost details:</strong>
- Equipment hire for filming (second camera, lighting, quality lenses): 1000 euros
- Editing: 4000 euros
- Sound rights: 200 euros
- Sound composition: 800 euros
- Studio for mixing: 1000 euros
- Calibration: 1000 euros
- Subtitles: 500 euros
- Diffusion of the film (registration at festivals, website, communication): 1500 euros
- 2 contributions
Un immense merci, par mail, ou par téléphone, ou de vive voix !
Estimated delivery: January 2016
- 3 contributions
Un immense merci, par mail, ou par téléphone, ou de vive voix + une explosion d'amour dans votre boite aux lettres.
Estimated delivery: January 2016
- 19 contributions
Un immense merci, par mail, ou par téléphone, ou de vive voix + une explosion d'amour dans votre boite aux lettres + votre nom au générique comme contributeur ou contributrice.
Estimated delivery: April 2016
- 20 contributions
Un immense merci, par mail, ou par téléphone, ou de vive voix + une explosion d'amour dans votre boite aux lettres + votre nom au générique comme contributeur ou contributrice + un lien de visionnement privé du film
Estimated delivery: April 2016
- 6 contributions
Un immense merci, par mail, ou par téléphone, ou de vive voix + une explosion d'amour dans votre boite aux lettres + votre nom au générique comme contributeur ou contributrice + un lien de visionnement privé du film + un apéro à Genève, Paris ou en Lorraine
Estimated delivery: April 2016
- 10 contributions
Un immense merci, par mail, ou par téléphone, ou de vive voix + une explosion d'amour dans votre boite aux lettres + votre nom au générique comme contributeur ou contributrice + un lien de visionnement privé du film + une invitation à une projection du film à Genève ou en Lorraine (transport non compris)
Estimated delivery: April 2016
- 1 contribution
Un immense merci, par mail, ou par téléphone, ou de vive voix + une explosion d'amour dans votre boite aux lettres + votre nom au générique comme contributeur ou contributrice + un lien de visionnement privé du film + une invitation à une projection genevoise du film + je vous donne un cours d'initiation à la prise de vue ou au montage.
Estimated delivery: April 2016
A huge thank you, by email, or telephone, or in person + an explosion of love in your mailbox + your name in the credits as a contributor + a private link to view the film + an invitation to a projection of the film in Geneva + an introductory course to the shooting or editing + I come to your place to make you a meal
Estimated delivery: April 2016
A huge thank you, by email, or telephone, or in person + an explosion of love in your mailbox + your name in the credits as a contributor + a private link to view the film + an invitation to a projection of the film in Geneva + an introductory course to the shooting or editing + I come to your place to make you a meal+ I organize a private screening for you and your friends
Estimated delivery: April 2016
A huge thank you, by email, or telephone, or in person + an explosion of love in your mailbox + your name in the credits as a contributor + a private link to view the film + an invitation to a projection of the film in Geneva + an introductory course to the shooting or editing + I come to your place to make you a meal+ I organize a private screening for you and your friends + Your name as a producer / associate producer
Estimated delivery: April 2016