10 maart 2023
Ce Jour de Juin 44
With the students let's go back in time 80 years!

End date
Out of €20.000
15 %
Ce Jour de Juin 44
"Ce Jour de Juin 44", is not only a project but 2 projects in 1! I'm Damien, 41 years old, former soldier in the 7th Battalion of Alpine Hunters, passionate about the Second World War and collector for 15 years. He is "Ce Jour de Juin 44" and it is a double project ! The duty of memory is very important to me and to be able to keep it alive is an evidence. Starting from the fact that the history courses on this period, are summarized in a few pages of reading and often, a simple photo, my project aims to provide concrete to students. Indeed, "Ce Jour de Juin 44", is the association of a museum and an escape game, on the theme of the Second World War, about 30 kilometers south of Rennes (35) in the town of Soulvache (44) and 80 kilometers from Nantes, at the junction between the Ille et Vilaine and the Loire Atlantique. A museum dedicated above all, to schools, colleges and high schools, in order to make alive their lessons of History, through the various objects (uniforms, helmets and other accessories of the everyday life of the soldiers of the two camps) which will be presented to them and the exchanges which will not fail to be born, of their discoveries and their natural curiosity. An escape game, to immerse, for one hour, a group in the skin of the crew of a B-17 bomber that has just crashed (scenario inspired by a true story that took place on September 16, 1943, 10 km away). One hour, to pass from spectator to actor of this conflict and to understand what the populations who lived this tormented time could feel. The progressive disappearance of the veterans, makes necessary the maintenance of the memory of these men and women, who gave their lives for our freedom. They talk about us in the Journal: Damien Le Youdec is a passionate person. He collects objects from the Second World War and aims to make young people discover them through a museum and an escape game on this theme. "A way to offer a fun and educational experience". To set up his project, he has surrounded himself with a team of 8 students preparing a degree in business and administration management, thanks to the Créa-IUT program. For these young people in training, the experience is also very instructive: "It's very rewarding... and exhausting! We are in the concrete, we apply what we learn and it makes sense! The whole team came to the show to encourage Damien. This Tuesday, the last day of the show, he was one of the project holders who came to be challenged on the central square of the event. Business leaders, bankers, accountants and lawyers will listen to his pitch. He will then benefit from their advice to boost his progress. Damien Le Youdec (right) with the students of the IUT GEA ©KB-7Jours The students of the IUT GEA of RENNES also speak about us: This is an ambitious project for which we like to contribute since the beginning of the accompanying device. We see in this project a new opportunity for students of all ages to learn the history of the Second World War in a fun and accurate way thanks to the knowledge of Mr. Le Youdec. Individuals will also be able to learn more about it in a classical way via the museum or by having fun thanks to the escape game.
Allocation of funds
The museum and the Escape Game will be built in an old agricultural shed and a cellar. To allow this project to see the light of day, building development work of about 60,000€ must be done, namely: ○ a new slab for the museum as well as for the Escape Game, ○ the 2 missing walls to close the hangar of the escape game, ○ the electrical installations, ○ the decorations and everything that will enhance these 15 years of collection. The 20 000€ requested would allow us to go to the banks to find the financing of the remaining 40 000€, while proving the interest of the public for our project. Each additional euro will bring us closer to our goal by reducing the need for bank financing. If the fundraising were to exceed 60 000€, it would allow us to consider opening other rooms for the escape game and also a new room for the museum, namely a small projection room. We are aware that life is difficult for everyone, but knowledge and the duty to remember are priceless and it is our children who will benefit from it. This collection is VITAL for this project to see the day. WE COUNT ON YOU!

Attention soldier!!! Let's salute our generous contributor
A big THANK YOU for your support!

Sticker Patch
A big THANK YOU for your support! Your name on a plaque that will be displayed on the wall of the museum. The sticker "Ce Jour de Juin 44".
Estimated delivery: April 2024

1 Click has for answer 2 Clicks !
A big THANK YOU for your support! Your Name if you shouild be a contributor on our Facebook wall. Your name on a plaque that will be displayed on the wall of the museum. An exact reproduction of the cricket used on June 6, 1944, mythical object of the landing.
Estimated delivery: April 2024

The staff T-shirt
A big THANK YOU for your support! Your name if you shouild be a contributor on our Facebook wall. The sticker "Ce Jou de Juin 44". Your name on a plaque that will be displayed on the wall of the museum. An exact reproduction of the cricket used on June 6, 1944, mythical object of the landing. The staff T-shirt with the logo "Ce Jour de Juin 44". (man or woman)
Estimated delivery: April 2024

Bêta Testing escape game
4 places for a beta test before the marketing and the opening to the public of the room, price for 1 game for 4 players. Offer cannot be combined. Test the room before everyone else! Give your opinion. Your comments will be taken into account.
Estimated delivery: April 2024

Game master
A big THANK YOU for your support! Your name if you shouild be a contributor on our Facebook wall. The sticker "Ce Jour de Juin 44". Your name on a plaque that will be displayed on the wall of the museum. An exact reproduction of the cricket used on June 6, 1944, mythical object of the landing. The staff T-shirt with the logo "Ce Jour de Juin 44". (man or woman) Become master of the game for a game and see the other side of the story. 1 game offered.
Estimated delivery: April 2024

SUPER contributor
A big THANK YOU for your support! Your name if you shouild be a contributor on our Facebook wall. The sticker "Ce Jour de Juin 44". Your name on a plaque that will be displayed on the wall of the museum. An exact reproduction of the cricket used on June 6, 1944, mythical object of the landing. The staff T-shirt with the logo "Ce Jour de Juin 44". (man or woman) Private visit of the museum with a trip to the local history sites.
Estimated delivery: April 2024