Concert Contretemps

A musical show for kids: an original and interactive combinaison to experience classical music in a new way.

Project visual Concert Contretemps
End date
Out of €1.300
100 %

The publications

<p><img alt="Dsc02770_fotor-1498810013" src=""></p><p> </p><p><img alt="Dsc02760_fotor-1498810042" src=""></p><p> </p><p><img alt="Dsc02752_fotorglow-1498810130" src=""></p><p> </p><p><img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2017-06-30_a__10.09.59-1498810259" src=""></p><p> </p><p><img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2017-06-30_a__10.15.34-1498810616" src=""></p><p> </p><p><img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2017-06-30_a__10.15.23-1498810669" src=""></p>
<p>After 8 months of intense work, and thanks to your generous support, Contretemps' premiere took place last Tuesday at the studio Le Regard Du Cygne!</p><p> </p><p>It was a tremendous success among the kids, who couldn't stop asking questions to the artists, Vanessa and Ulysse, after the concert!</p><p> </p><p>Here are a few pictures of this amazing day. Stay tuned, as they are many more to come! :) </p><p> </p><p><img alt="19146284_762469607265611_8452825365603408839_n-1497881679" src=""> <img alt="19060122_762469620598943_3290386865252875177_n-1497881692" src=""></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><img alt="19059558_10156948452982524_7330018257167959140_n-1497881275" src=""></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>At the heart of the event, a bunch of amazing, talented and passionate people: Sonic Solveig's team, Vanessa Wagner, Ulysse Reynaud, Fabrice Bonniot and the team Contretemps! </p><p><img alt="19105894_762469600598945_3230275222373712451_n-1497881736" src=""></p>
<p>Rehearsal with the team and Ulysse Reynaud before the big day!!</p><p><img alt="19105022_10213053426069761_2098402434_o-1497304679" src=""></p>
<p><img alt="Img_7494_fotor-1497006483" src=""></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Ce matin nous nous sommes rendus avec Ramzi de chez <a href="">SonicSolveig Worldwide</a> pour faire découvrir la musique classique aux élèves de 6ème du Collège Suzanne Lacore! Un atelier interactif alliant musique et technologies qui à fait son effet.</p><p>Retrouvez les applis musicales de Sonic Solveig sur l'AppStore et GooglePlay, ou rendez-vous ici: <a target="_blank" href=""></a> </p>
<p>We can't believe what just happened. Thank you to our<strong> 68 CONTRIBUTORS</strong> to have supported us!!</p><p><strong>You've all made this dream come true and we will never forget what you have done for us!! </strong></p><p> </p><p><img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2017-05-31_a__17.26.11-1496244394" src=""></p><p> </p><p><strong>We'd like to thank our recent contributors who made the slider hit 100% :</strong> <em>Thierry Maxime,</em> <em>Claudette Lafeychine, Julien Lebon, Stéphane Moutier, Xavier Fromant, Antoinette Martin, Cynthia Cervantes Elsa Chu, He Xiangyu, Wang ShiLong, Jin Zhong, Duke, He Zhen Xiu, Wang ShouHong, Zhou Yangyi, Hu Anbang, Wang Bencheng, Ge Liteng, Zhang Hao Yu, Feng Yu, Sun Peng, Liu Xuan, Du Hong Xiang, Luo Xian Hua, Pi Ze, Xu Tian, Hu Zhi Han, Lei Wei, Xiang Jie, Pi Dao Jun, A Lun, Xu Tian Tian, &amp; Yao Yao! </em></p><p> </p><p><strong>And all of our previous contributors:</strong> <em>Tao Jinglei, Mengqing Chen, EOS Create Change, Sun Huiting, Sun Xiaoxian, Zhenzhen, Didier Dupont, Sun Jiaxian, Peng Wei, Si Yu, Roger Stephenson, Odile Raimbault, Vasupa Suveeranont, Chayanun Tepwaninkorn, Colin Mayrhofer, Nathalie Marceau, Lisa Godeau, Hayashi Shoko, Da Bao, Sun Rui, Wang Zixiang, Rose Mzr, Emile Devillers, Roxanne Brr, Charlotte Fernandez, Joelle Nonni &amp; Chantal de Pradier d'Agrain! </em></p><p> </p><p><strong>From the bottom of our hearts - THANK YOU for your extreme generosity! </strong></p><p> </p><p><img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2017-05-31_a__13.03.36-1496244309" src=""></p>
<p> <em>So today was our very first rehearsal at the studio Le Regard Du Cygne.</em></p> <p> <em>And it was...<strong> explosive!</strong></em></p> <p> <em>We took a little snapshot just for you..</em>. ;)</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <div class="embed"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="" style="max-width: 540px" /></a></div>