23 september 2016
Ochestra ViVo ! must be heard and seen to get the full effect of its musical dynamic. Thanks to you we will soon have DVD !

End date
Out of €5.000
102 %
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Orchestra ViVo <i>!</i> is an orchestra dedicated to musical creation. ViVo<em> !</em> brings together 30 professional musicians who play music composed by the composer-performers of the orchestra itself. A real crossover project started at the initiative and under the artistic direction of <strong>Garrett List</strong>, the music of Orchestra ViVo <i>!</i> combines the energy of rock, the clarity of classic music, the freshness of pop and the freedom of jazz.</p>
Each concert of <strong>Orchestra ViVo <i>!</i></strong> is a unique musical experience. It is a voyage guided by the poetry of texts, sung, recited, rapped or slammed, in the context of compositions that are created by the musicians of ViVo ! Another innovative element of Orchestra ViVo<i> !</i> is that it functions without a conductor. This highlights the profound harmony uniting the thirty artists.</p>
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Originating from Phoenix, Arizona, <strong>Garrett List</strong> is a composer, performer and teacher. Graduated from the prestigious Juilliard School of Music (New York), he left his trombonist’s mark on New-York’s musical life from 1965 to 1980. He arrived then in Belgium where he created and led, at Henri Pousseur’s request, the improvisation class at the Royal Conservatory of Liège, continuing that leadership for the next thirty years.</p>
In 2006, he founded <strong>World Citizens Music</strong>, setting not only the mission to promote his art, but also to aid and support the great number and often younger artists with whom he enjoys working.</p>
<strong>Garrett List. Music and the Future</strong>, a two-part biography written by Bernard Legros and based on a few interviews, is published in late 2014. The book is about his itinerary, but also his conception of teaching and his thoughts about music.</p>
<img alt="Esperanzah_19_web-1470909768" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/342430/ESPERANZAH_19_web-1470909768.JPG"></p>
Today, <strong>Garrett List</strong> dedicates himself to the creation of a new type of music, through the <strong>Orchestra ViVo <i>!</i></strong> It’s the materialization of an ambitious and innovative artistic project which takes place into a collective thought about our time.</p>
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2014 is the year of the first album for <strong>Orchestra ViVo <i>!</i></strong>, an album published by Igloo Records. It contains 9 original compositions that were never released until then.</p>
<img alt="Pochettecd_ombre_small-1472207513" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/344936/pochettecd_ombre_small-1472207513.png"></p>
Last december 2015, Orchestra ViVo <i>!</i> completely renewed its repertory. For this new series of concerts, the orchestra will present 10 new compositions of Manu Louis, Aurélie Charneux, Antoine Dawans, Jean-François Foliez, Johan Dupont, Adrien Lambinet, André Klenes and of course Garrett List.</p>
<a href="http://www.garrettlist.com" target="_blank">www.garrettlist.com</a></p>
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Allocation of funds
<img alt="Vivo_logo_public-1469020033" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/339205/VIVO_logo_public-1469020033.jpg"></p>
Orchestra ViVo <em>! </em> is a sparkling antidote to the ambient anxiety filled “gloom and doom” mood in the world. <strong>ViVo <em>!</em></strong> brings people together by the sound of its music and the message found in its songs and compositions. <strong>Orchestra ViVo <em>! </em></strong> was heard at the World Music festival “Esperanzah” and at the Gaume Jazz Festival (the quintessential meeting place of the Belgian and International jazz scene). </p>
<img alt="Orchestra_vivo____gaetano_dewygaert-07082016-131344-1473843191" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/349547/Orchestra_Vivo____Gaetano_Dewygaert-07082016-131344-1473843191.jpg"></p>
© Gaetano Dewygaert</p>
<strong>With your help our new repertoire will soon be available !</strong></p>
<i>Orchestra ViVo ! seems to enjoy itself by constantly mixing styles and moving the lines between them. They seem to push out the walls surrounding them to give themselves some fresh air and and this with almost no limits. Of course, listening to their CD is a real pleasure but its on stage that this unique project really takes on fullest dimensions... So, get yourself to a concert...</i> <strong>Jacques Prouvost, Jazzques</strong></p>
<img alt="Gaumejazz_masquotte-1468574539" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/338394/GAUMEJAZZ_masquotte-1468574539.png"></p>
<strong>As Mr. Prouvost so aptly put it, the best way to experience Orchestra </strong><strong>ViVo <em>!</em> </strong><strong>is in live performance. ViVo <em>!</em> played the last concert of the evening at the Gaume Festival (called “Prestiges éclectique”). Acclaimed by a standing ovation the concert was a perfect occasion to make an audiol/visual document of Orchestra ViVo <em>!</em> and its new repertoire and how it lives on stage.</strong></p>
The DVD will let you hear <strong><em>and</em> </strong>see all the beauty, energy and spontaneity of our orchestra. </p>
Become an actor in this new world. Help us give birth to this document of the unique human adventure that is <strong>Orchestra ViVo <em>!</em></strong></p>
<strong>WHY WE NEED YOUR HELP...</strong></p>
Passion is, of course, our real motor, but you know that even “blood, sweat and tears” is not enough. 30 musicians professional musicians and the team of professionals behind the scenes… It all requires money.</p>
Just as a magnificent sailing ship needs a solid hull, <strong>Ochestra ViVo <em>!</em></strong> needs your support to sail onto new and uncharted waters.</p>
<strong>Garrett List</strong>, the artistic director, works along side the co-founder and coordinator of ViVo <em>!</em> <strong>Marie-Pierre Lahaye</strong> on a daily basis. <strong>Benjamin Rondia</strong> for communication and <strong>Edith Umugwenaza</strong> for administration and accounting assist them in creating our next adventures...</p>
<img alt="Wcm_equipe_web-1469009268" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/339178/WCM_equipe_web-1469009268.png"></p>
Therefore your help is really needed to bring this project to life. In essence you become a part of <strong>Orchestra ViVo <em>!</em></strong> yourselves.</p>
<strong>If we reach our goal, we will be able to cover the costs of producing the DVD and cover the inherent administration costs.</strong></p>
<strong>- Production of the DVD </strong>(filming, equipment, transportation, editing) =<strong> 2800 €</strong></p>
<strong>- Making the DVD itself </strong>(graphics, duplication, impression) =<strong> 800 €</strong></p>
<strong>- Administrative costs </strong>=<strong> 1000 €</strong></p>
<strong>- Kiss Kiss Bank Bank </strong>=<strong> 400 €</strong></p>
<img alt="Kkbb_camembert_en-1473161253" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/347331/KKBB_camembert_en-1473161253.png"></p>
<strong>If we surpass our goal It will help us continue ViVo <em>!</em> and create new projects for you…!!!</strong></p>
The story of this DVD is starting this summer. With your support this is just the beginning of a beautiful relation…</p>
We thank you from the bottom of our heart for your confidence and your aid.</p>
<img alt="Vivo_boverie_2-1468575906" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/338400/VIVO_boverie_2-1468575906.jpg"></p>
<strong>DISTRIBUTION /// CORDES : Violon soprano</strong> Maritsa NEY, Martin LAUWERS, Hélène LIEBEN, Sofia CONSTANTINIDIS • <strong>Violon mezzo soprano</strong> Nathalie HUBY, Karlien OPSTEEG, Benoît LESEURE, Joachim IANNELLO • <strong>Violon alto</strong> Jean-François DURDU, Laure RENAUD-GOUD, Nathalie ANGELIQUE • <strong>Violoncelle</strong> Corentin DELLICOUR, Caroline STEVENS, Marie-Eve RONVEAUX • <strong>VENTS : Flûte</strong> Carmen HEUSCHEN • <strong>Hautbois</strong> Charline BRIOL • <strong>Clarinette</strong> Aurélie CHARNEUX, Jean-François FOLIEZ • <strong>Basson</strong> Joanie CARLIER • <strong>Saxophone</strong> Laurent MEUNIER • <strong>Trompette</strong> Antoine DAWANS • <strong>Trombone</strong> Adrien LAMBINET • <strong>SECTION RYTHMIQUE : Piano</strong> Johan DUPONT • <strong>Guitare</strong> Manu LOUIS • <strong>Contrebasse</strong> André KLENES • <strong>Percussion</strong> Stephan POUGIN • <strong>VOIX : </strong>Chantal HECK • Garrett LIST, Mélodie MOUREAU • <strong>INGENIEUR son : </strong>Laurent EYEN, Matthew GEORIS • <strong>INGENIEUR lumière : </strong>Pascal GEORIS • <strong>MISE EN ESPACE :</strong> Anne ENGLEBERT • <strong>PRODUCTION : </strong>Marie-Pierre LAHAYE • <strong>COMMUNICATION :</strong> Benjamin RONDIA</p>

- 7 contributions
A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + Your name on our website (with your permission, of course)

- 17 contributions
A digital download of the music of the Gaume Jazz Festival + A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + your name on our website (with your permission, of course)

- 31 contributions
The DVD of the Gaume Jazz Festival + A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + Your name on our website (with your permission, of course).

- 15 contributions
The DVD of the Gaume Jazz Festival signed a ViVo ! musician of your+ A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + Your name on our website (with your permission, of course).

- 2 contributions
Invitation to a rehearsal and special moment with the orchestra + The DVD of the Gaume Jazz Festival signed a ViVo ! musician of your choice + A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + Your name on our website (with your permission, of course).

- 12 contributions
Two tickets to a concert (non festival) + The DVD of the Gaume Jazz Festival signed a ViVo ! musician of your choice + A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + Your name on our website (with your permission, of course).

The first CD of the orchestra + a copy of the book “Garrett List, la musique et l’avenir » by Bernard Legros signed by Garrett List + The DVD of the Gaume Jazz Festival signed a ViVo ! musician of your choice + A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + Your name on our website (with your permission, of course).

We will come and pick you up for a concert VIP ticket with backstage pass ; soundcheck ; attend the concert and the party with us afterwards + The first CD of the orchestra + The DVD of the Gaume Jazz Festival signed by a ViVo ! musician of your choice + A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + Your name on our website (with your permission, of course)

- 1 contribution
Unlimited access to our next non-festival concerts The first CD of the orchestra + The DVD of the Gaume Jazz Festival signed by a ViVo ! musician of your choice + A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + Your name on our website (with your permission, of course)

A « Living Room » concert featuring Garrett List and Johan Dupont playing « The Garrett List Song Book » + The DVD of the Gaume Jazz Festival signed by a ViVo ! musician of your choice + A huge thank you from Orchestra ViVo ! + Your name on our website (with your permission, of course)