On our way to 2025 !

Fund Zaps production in 2025

Project visual On our way to 2025 !
27 days
Out of €33.000
55 %

Our commitments

On our way to 2025 !

Hi everyone, You were 743 Kissbankers a year ago to support the fundraising which ensured the production of Zaps in 2024. Thank your support. iZap4u is celebrating its 11th anniversary and more than 325 épisodes have already been released, alternating social topics, humour, politics and entertainment in a format of 120 minutes. A 15-minute version of the Zap is also released every 2 weeks on Youtube where the project began in 2013. As you already know, I'm now working full-time on Zap production and refuse any advertising funding to preserve my editorial freedom but also because internet advertising has already shown its limits and is way too intrusive in my opinion, especially when there are add breaks during the program. All this to say that the site and the Zaps exist by the sole will of the community and if you enjoy watching them and want it to keep going, I will need your help. In 2024, subscribers got access the 7 exclusive Zaps on iZap4u.com and as we enter 2025, I need your support to fund Zap production in 2025 through this crowdfunding that will last 60 days , all Zaps released during this period being only available to contributors. Contributors will also get access to all the exclusive Zaps released since 2022.
This crowwdfunding aims at funding Zap production in 2025 and developing the website. Donors will get access to all Zaps that will be published in 2025, the annual subscription price going from 60 euros to 40 euros during the crowdfunding. All donors will have preview access to all the Zaps that will be released during the fundraising. Thanks to those who will support my work.

Allocation of funds

This fundraising aims at funding Zap production (by offering a preferential rate to those who wish to have access to all of the Zaps which will be published in 2025, the price of the annual subscription offered here being 40 euros instead of 60 euros) and at developing the website. For those who wish to receive the stickers in addition to access to all Zaps reserved for subscribers, the price is 60 euros. It was decided to place the value of the fundraising at 33,000 EUR which will allow : - To ensure the Zap production, - To fund the development of the website, - To bear fucntioning costs (video player, servers, etc.) and maintenance costs. In detail, 26,820 EUR will be split between : - My developer - Myself The remaining 6,180 euros will be used to pay : - Kisskissbankbank 6% fees —> 1,980 EUR - Hosting of all Zaps by Dailymotion -> 2,500 EUR (this service used to be free but Dailymotion changed its economic model and now I have to pay to keep using their services ; although their prices are high, they provide a high-quality videoplayer) - Hosting of the iZap4u and uZap4me sites for the year 2025 —> 1,200 EUR - Printing of stickers —> 500 EUR

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