25 juni 2016
Gear Locker - saison 03
Help Gear Locker !
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Out of €9.800
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Gear Locker - saison 03
<img alt="V2-1466005406" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/330434/V2-1466005406.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Th_story-1467123478" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/334349/th_story-1467123478.jpg"></p>
In 2014, our group of friends came to a rather sad realization.</p>
Threat of restrictive laws, bad reputation with the general public, irresponsible practices and no possibility of official supervision; in short, the Airsoft community needed <strong>to improve its image, to show people that we practice a discipline based on great values like fair play and team play.</strong></p>
As for new players, they needed some guidance in order to begin Airsoft in the best possible conditions.</p>
We thought long and hard, we debated, we lost hope; then we thought again, we debated once more, and we finally found a solution after a few weeks of intense thinking: creating a YouTube-based web series where we would deal with three types of topics:</p>
- Airsoft culture and player supervision</p>
- Game techniques and equipment use</p>
- Tinkering and Do-It-Yourself tips.</p>
It took us more than a year to build a concept, writing the first episodes, perform the trials, building the studio set, creating long-term relationships with our partners, etc.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2F3kqCH3qZsV0%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D3kqCH3qZsV0&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F3kqCH3qZsV0%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
Two years after the original idea, the series is still there thanks to your support and your commitment.</p>
More than 20 videos were uploaded with <strong>close to a million views and 20.000 subscriptions on our channel. This proves that you agree with this approach and that you wish to change things from your end too.</strong></p>
<strong>Just imagine the number of players we could help, the number of persons whose opinion on Airsoft might have changed after watching the videos: it’s awesome, but it can’t stop here!</strong></p>
<img alt="Lequipe-1467123443" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/334348/lequipe-1467123443.jpg"></p>
<strong>Ipak (Alexis) et Jérémie</strong></p>
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2016-06-23_a__13.06.50-1466680006" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/332925/Capture_d_e_cran_2016-06-23_a__13.06.50-1466680006.png"></p>
<em>Ipak (Alexis) write, co-directs, presents and edits Gear Locker episodes. He has a real passion for cinema, and in general for visual arts; he co-directs various projects in that field with his brother Jérémie, such as the western short film Lloyd Rotten uploaded at the end of the season 1 of Gear Locker. He has been practicing Airsoft for many years and takes part in various OPs all around France, and works as a photo reporter for Red Dot magazine.</em></p>
<em>Jérémie offers the advantage of not practicing Airsoft. Thus, he can bring an exterior point of view to the scripts and allows the team to make the web-TV accessible to beginners and to the general public. He co-directs and edits the show, along with Ipak. He plays many characters and composes many of the show’s music tracks as well, including the show’s opening theme.</em></p>
<strong>Stéphane, Axel & Loic</strong></p>
<img alt="Sans_titre-1-1466685016" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/332952/Sans_titre-1-1466685016.jpg"></p>
<em>Stéphane, Axel and Loic are all three consultants for the show. They have been practicing Airsoft for a very long time (from 10 to 20 years of practice), and they bring their experience and point of view on the scenarios once those are written. They are meticulous, methodical and honest critics, and are vital to the show since they prevent mistakes and thus allow the creation of a reliable and well-built content.</em></p>
<em>Vincent is our motion design animator. His diagrams illustrate clearly and simply some of Ipak’s words.</em></p>
<img alt="1-1466805544" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/333327/1-1466805544.jpg"></p>
<em>Antoine is Gear Locker’s translator. He translates the show into English in order to make the web-TV available to players from all around the globe!</em></p>
<img alt="13499991_10209695948014296_8334879_o-1466685456" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/332953/13499991_10209695948014296_8334879_o-1466685456.jpg"></p>
<em>PV handles the camera work and the lights for some Gear Locker episodes (Lloyd Rotten, The Revenant parody, the Vietnam sequence, etc). He is assistant cameraman on some feature films for the Film industry and brings his trained eyes and his experience to our show.</em></p>
Allocation of funds
Sadly, Gear Locker might end up on a shelf. We are being caught up to by a harsh reality: money.</p>
<img alt="Financement-1466676718" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/332913/financement-1466676718.jpg"></p>
Up to now, our partners financed a part of the show and we financed the other. Sadly, finding partners has become difficult: the budget of French Airsoft shops is tightening, and large international companies want us to change completely the contents of our channel in order to secure their financial support.</p>
However, <strong>we wish to remain independent. We do not want to spam you with commercials or lie to you… it would go directly against our values and our initial goal.</strong></p>
We do not wish to offer paid content either, because that would not make Airsoft accessible to the general public.</p>
We want a <strong>free and accessible web-TV</strong> in which you can take part.</p>
We want to be able to meet your expectations; we want <strong>you</strong> to keep giving us feedback and proposing episode topics, or share with us the direction which <strong>you</strong> want to the show to take.</p>
That’s why crowdfunding emerged as <strong>the only viable solution</strong>.</p>
Since the first episode, we have spent more than 1.500 hours on the project and personally spent more than 10.000€ in transportation, equipment, set accessories, studio, sound equipment, lights, post-production, etc.</p>
Nowadays, however, we can’t afford it anymore: we need to eat just like everybody else, and Gear Locker <strong>needs you</strong> more than ever, because we will need to stop making the show if this crowdfunding campaign were to fail.</p>
<strong>That’s why we count on you, Airsoft players present and future, to take over and act for Airsoft.</strong></p>
Fortunately, <strong>Airsoft Atlantic</strong>, a shop from Bordeaux with a concern for the public image of Airsoft, has decided to act too by financing a part of the show, without asking for any compensation whatsoever.</p>
<img alt="Airsoft_atlantic_-1466004005" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/330429/Airsoft_atlantic_-1466004005.png"></p>
The French Federation of Airsoft (FFA) and the French Federation of Live Action Role-play (FédéGN) have been supporting the show since the very beginning and finance part of the project.</p>
<img alt="Logos_des_fe_de_rations_en_transparant-1465996423" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/330383/Logos_des_Fe_de_rations_en_transparant-1465996423.png"></p>
ffairsoft.org - www.fedegn.org</p>
There is only one last part to finance, and that’s where you come into play!</p>
<img alt="Tableau_avec_e_criture-1467135281" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/334422/Tableau_avec_e_criture-1467135281.jpg">Here are the various tiers of funding:</p>
<strong>First tier: 9.000 euros</strong> / the Gear Locker show is saved, season 3 is secured!</p>
- This sum will be used for remunerating some of the members of the Gear Locker team, for funding transportation fees, logistics, administration fees, studio, etc.</p>
<strong>Second tier: 12.000 euros</strong> / Gear Locker gets updated!</p>
- This sum will be used for modernizing the outfits of some of the characters of the show, as well as the lighting and sound equipment; furthermore, you will allow us to finance the purchase of some equipment so that we can present it to you (for example, a HPA system like the one presented during season 02 costs 450 euros…).</p>
<strong>Third tier: 16.000 euros / </strong>We will be filming a short fiction film (Middle East theme) for season 03!</p>
- This sum will be used for renting filming equipment (the equipment we use for the web-TV isn’t adapted for filming fiction), for renting outfits, accessories, transportation for the actors, management (food and such), etc.</p>
<img alt="Rewards-1467135253" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/334420/rewards-1467135253.jpg"><strong>8€ and more ></strong></p>
Your name will appear at the end of each episode</p>
You become a member of the Gear Locker association</p>
<strong>27€ and more ></strong></p>
Same as previous tier</p>
+ a Limited Edition Gear Locker tee-shirt</p>
You will have a choice between to different illustrations: a classic one with simply written “Gear Locker” and another, funnier one, with a nice drawing of the famous “Highlander kit” (to be found in episode S02E11)</p>
(This tee-shirt will not be sold outside of this crowdfunding campaign) (shipping costs offered)</p>
<strong>48€ and more ></strong></p>
Same as all previous tiers</p>
+ Limited edition signed poster + Gear Locker bracelet (shipping costs offered)</p>
<strong>75€ and more ></strong></p>
Same as all previous tiers</p>
+ Limited edition collector Gear Locker patch (shipping costs offered)</p>
<strong>95€ and more ></strong></p>
Same as all previous tiers</p>
+ prints of about 10 signed photographs of the show’s backstage (limited edition) (shipping costs offered)</p>
<strong>150€ and more ></strong></p>
Same as all previous tiers</p>
+ invitation to be an extra in one scene of a Gear Locker episode (transportation costs <strong>not</strong> provided)</p>
<strong>250€ and more ></strong></p>
Same as all previous tiers</p>
+ invitation for an entire day of filming (transportation costs provided)</p>
<strong>500€ and more ></strong></p>
Same as all previous tiers</p>
+ THE huge surprise</p>
Participating does not necessarily mean donating 250€. The first pledge is only at 8€, which isn’t much: <strong>it only represents about half a pack of pellets</strong>. If all the subscribers gave a mere tenth of this sum, both the show and the Gear Locker association could live on and we could keep <strong>helping players to give a positive image of the discipline</strong> all the while keeping our independence.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2F3NWWntUJ0cY%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D3NWWntUJ0cY&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F3NWWntUJ0cY%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
<img alt="Tableau_avec_e_criture-1467123380" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/334344/Tableau_avec_e_criture-1467123380.jpg"></p>
Season 03 will begin in <strong>September 2016.</strong></p>
On average, we will upload about <strong>18 episodes per year</strong>, which represents about <strong>2 episodes per month</strong> (excluding Christmas and Summer holidays).</p>
As for the rewards, you will receive them <strong>a maximum of 90 days after the end of the crowdfunding campaign</strong>.</p>
This period will likely be much shorter, depending on the rapidity of our supplier.</p>
<img alt="Thanks-1467123405" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/334346/thanks-1467123405.jpg"></p>
<strong>The future of the show is in your hands; we’re counting on you.</strong></p>
There are still many topics to talk about on the channel; furthermore, we would like to organize immersive Gear Locker OPs like no one in France has seen before. All of this can only happen if we all support this campaign and if Gear Locker can carry on.</p>
Please<strong> talk about it </strong>on social networks and during Airsoft games, and once again,<strong> thank you</strong>, dear subscribers, for following us and supporting us since the beginning!</p>
<em>The entire Gear Locker team</em></p>
<em><a href="http://www.gear-locker.net">www.gear-locker.net</a></em></p>
- 86 contributions
- Votre nom au générique de fin des épisodes
- Vous devenez membre de l’association Gear Locker
- 162 contributions
Contrepartie précédente
+ Un tee-shirt Gear Locker collector édition limité
Vous aurez le choix entre deux modèles d'illustration : un classique avec inscrit "gear locker" et un autre, plus fun, avec le fameux "kit highlander"
(Tee-shirt non vendu en dehors de la campagne participative).
(Frais de port à notre charge)
- 21 contributions
Contreparties précédentes
+ Poster Gear Locker édition limité dédicacé
+ Bracelet Gear Locker
(Frais de port à notre charge)
- 56 contributions
Contreparties précédentes
+ Patch Gear Locker collector édition limité
(Frais de port à notre charge)
- 5 contributions
Contreparties précédentes
+ Tirage d'une 10ène de photos des coulisses de l’émission dédicacé (édition limitée)
(Frais de port à notre charge)
- 4 contributions
Contreparties précédentes
Contreparties précédentes + Invitation à figurer sur une scène d’un épisode de Gear Locker (Frais de transport non compris)
- 1 contribution
Contreparties précédentes + Invitation sur une journée de tournage complète (Frais de transport compris)
- 3 contributions
Contreparties précédentes + THE mega surprise