Girls, Girls, Girls (and a few boys)

Girls, Girls, Girls (and a few boys) is an exclusive, limited edition sketchbook, released worldwide in June.

Project visual Girls, Girls, Girls (and a few boys)
End date
Out of €600
143 %

The publications

<p> Eh oui! Ca a &eacute;t&eacute; long, et je m&#39;en excuse, mais &ccedil;a y est finalement. Le travail me laisse enfin un peu de temps pour finir les derni&egrave;res d&eacute;dicaces et m&#39;occuper des envois.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Donc, &agrave; la semaine prochaine. :)</p>
<p> Bonjour &agrave; tous.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Comme vous le savez probablement, j&#39;ai eu quelques soucis pour mettre en place les envois, ainsi que des probl&egrave;mes de r&eacute;ception pour quelques unes des contreparties.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Je me suis, cependant, engag&eacute; &agrave; vous livrer, et ce sera fait - rapidement.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Je suis toujours sur les d&eacute;dicaces, et j&#39;attribuerai - en d&eacute;domagement pour le retard - un sketch suppl&eacute;mentaire, d&eacute;dicac&eacute;. Ce sera soit une sketch card, soit un sketch couleur sur feuille libre.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Je tiens &agrave; m&#39;excuser, encore une fois, de ce (long) retard, et croyez bien que cette situation m&#39;ennuie autant que vous.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;A tr&egrave;s bient&ocirc;t,</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Kevin</p>
<p> Bonjour &agrave; tous.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Comme vous le savez probablement, j&#39;ai eu quelques soucis pour mettre en place les envois, ainsi que des probl&egrave;mes de r&eacute;ception pour quelques unes des contreparties.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Je me suis, cependant, engag&eacute; &agrave; vous livrer, et ce sera fait - rapidement.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Je suis toujours sur les d&eacute;dicaces, et j&#39;attribuerai - en d&eacute;domagement pour le retard - un sketch suppl&eacute;mentaire, d&eacute;dicac&eacute;. Ce sera soit une sketch card, soit un sketch couleur sur feuille libre.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Je tiens &agrave; m&#39;excuser, encore une fois, de ce (long) retard, et croyez bien que cette situation m&#39;ennuie autant que vous.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;A tr&egrave;s bient&ocirc;t,</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Kevin</p>
<p> Bonjour &agrave; tous!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Suite &agrave; plusieurs soucis (d&#39;imprimeur, de mise &agrave; disponibilit&eacute; de certaines choses, etc) et une absence prolong&eacute;e ce mois d&#39;ao&ucirc;t, les pr&eacute;parations et les envois du sketchbook ont prit du retard - et je m&#39;en excuse.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Ce sera prochainement r&eacute;par&eacute;, et je vous pr&eacute;pare &eacute;galement quelques petites surprises &agrave; venir.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> A tr&egrave;s bient&ocirc;t,</p> <p> &nbsp;Kevin</p>
<p> Plus qu&#39;une semaine avant le festival Geekopolis. Pour ceux qui seront pr&eacute;sents, prevenez-moi que je prenne votre package avec moi, et que vous l&#39;ayez d&egrave;s le d&eacute;but de l&#39;&eacute;v&egrave;nement. Pour les autres, les envois se feront d&egrave;s d&eacute;but juin. A bient&ocirc;t! :)</p>
<p> Huge thanks!</p> <p> &nbsp;The funding is a success, I only have to finish the job, and print it - then will come the shipping.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> You still can participate until tuesday morning.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Beside, I&#39;m proud to show you a new add to the book : Zatanna.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Zatanna_by_kevinenhart-d6503bq" src="" /></p>
<p> Well, if you needed a good reason to take a look at the sketchbook, let me introduce you the Princess of Mars, in progress.</p> <p> &nbsp;Enjoy!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Dejah_thoris" src="" /></p>
<p> PACK GEEKOPOLIS!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> - Le livre, d&eacute;dicac&eacute;.</p> <p> - Un headsketch couleur sur la premi&egrave;re page.</p> <p> - Une pinup originale.</p> <p> - Une invitation EXCEPTIONNELLE &agrave; la NUIT DU GEEK du FESTIVAL GEEKOPOLIS, les 25 et 26 mai, en tant que MON invit&eacute;(e). Vous serez &agrave; mes c&ocirc;t&eacute;s sur les &eacute;v&egrave;nements que nous mettons en place, rencontrerez les artistes pr&eacute;sents, assisterez aux concerts et suivrez toute la nuit., de 20h &agrave; 5h du matin (ou moins si vous &ecirc;tes fatigu&eacute;(e).</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> D&icirc;ner et boissons compris.</p> <p> Les modalit&eacute;s et horaires de rendez-vous seront &agrave; pr&eacute;ciser par email.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Le site du festival :</p>
<p> For the last few days, here is a special 60&euro; commission package!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> It includes :</p> <p> - The signed book.</p> <p> - A color headsketch on the first page.</p> <p> - <strong>An A4 color commission</strong> - you choose what you want!</p> <p> - Bookmark + stickers.</p> <p> - Your name in the &quot;thank you&quot; part of the book.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> There&#39;s only 5 available!</p>
<p> The Ultimate Package lows its price! From &euro;600, it goes to &euro;400! A good occasion to have your original script drawn!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> ULTIMATE PACKAGE!</p> <p> The book, in a limited, KissBanker edition.</p> <p> A color headsketch on the first page.&nbsp;</p> <p> YOUR SCRIPT DRAWN BY KEVIN ENHART! Well, the publisher&#39;s pack (the 5 first pages, the cover a pinup and the character sketches). Bookmark + stickers.</p> <p> Your name (coming first) on the &quot;thank you&quot; page of the book.</p>
<p> Here are the two available t-shirts models.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> If the project is funded, you&#39;ll receive an email asking you the caracteristics (size, model, man or woman).</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="T-shirt" src="" /></p>
<p> So, here is the final cover, for the both editions of the sketchbook.</p> <p> &nbsp;I hope it will make you wish more having it in your hands!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Wonder_woman_cover_regular." src="" /></p> <p> Regular Edition</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Wonder_woman_cover_limited" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;Limited Edition</p>
<p> I&#39;ve added a new &euro;80 package, in partnership with Rolf Lejdegard, creator of the Apes With Uzis series.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> You&#39;ll find :</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;The sketchbook in its KissBanker limited edition, only printed for YOU, and signed.</p> <p> A color headsketch on the first page.</p> <p> A signed copy of the one shot comic &quot;<strong>APES WITH UZIS - ARC &amp; CHAIN : THUGS ELECTRO</strong>&quot;, written by Mark Bertolini, with art by Kevin Enhart, and published by 215Ink.</p> <p> Bookmark+stickers. Your name in the &quot;thank you&quot; part of the book.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <em>(shipping as soon as the book is printed. In the case the book doesn&#39;t go to print, you&#39;ll receive its complete PDF, also as an exclusive print of the cover art of the sketchbook).</em></p>
<p> A huge thanks to <strong>FotoNerds</strong> for helping funding that project!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &euro;450 to go. We are near the first 1/3 of the funding!</p>
<p> And here is a little sneak peek from what you&#39;ll see in <em>Girls, Girls, Girls (and a few boys!).</em></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Poison_ivy_comic_con_by_kevinenhart-d3k09f9" src="" /></p>
<p> &nbsp;Each participation beyond &euro;5 makes you entering the lottery that will be made after the funding.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;To win : <strong>a signed, color, pinup</strong></p>
<p> &nbsp;So, I&#39;ve added two <em>variant packages</em>, as seen the success of the inked version of the sketchbook cover.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;There are only 5 available of each, and contains :</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <em>&euro;50 Variant Pack</em></p> <p> &nbsp;The signed book.</p> <p> &nbsp;A color headsketch on the first page.</p> <p> &nbsp;An exclusive, signed print of the final cover.</p> <p> &nbsp;Bookmark + stickers.</p> <p> &nbsp;Your name in the &quot;thank you part of the book&quot;.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <em>&euro;80 Package</em></p> <p> <em>&nbsp;</em>The signed book, in its KissBanker Limited Edition.</p> <p> &nbsp;A color headsketch on the first page.</p> <p> &nbsp;An exclusive, signed print of the final cover.</p> <p> &nbsp;Bookmark + stickers.</p> <p> &nbsp;Your name in the &quot;thank you&quot; part of the book.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> That&#39;s it for now!&nbsp; Hope you like!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Cover01" height="626" src="" width="430" /></p>
<p> Thanks a lot to Blacksad81 for his contribution!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &euro;500 to go!</p>
<p> &nbsp; And here comes the inked cover of <em>Girls, Girls, Girls (and a few boys!).</em></p> <p> It needed some time, but, finally, that dear Wonder Woman won.</p> <p> &nbsp;The final covers of the two editions of the book are coming soon.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;Enjoy!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Cover01" src="" /></p>
<p> So, I&#39;ve edited the &euro;50 package.</p> <p> <br /> It now includes :<br /> A signed copy of the book.<br /> A color headsketch on the first page.<br /> A limited edition signed print.<br /> Bookmark + stickers.<br /> Your name in the &quot;thank you&quot; part of the book.<br /> <br /> Pretty cool hu?</p>
<p> Thanks a lot to my first two backers :</p> <p> Lud</p> <p> Captain America (always at the right place, in the right moment).</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &euro;550 to go, we&#39;re good!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> So, I&#39;ve added that very special package.</p> <p> &nbsp;For &euro;600, you&#39;d earn the Limited Edition book + a color headsketch on the first page + the five first pages of YOUR SCRIPT penciled and inked by me!</p> <p> &nbsp;That includes the whole, classic submission&nbsp; package : the five pages from your script, the cover (including colors), a promotionnal pinup (colors included), and the character sketches!</p> <p> &nbsp;And, of course, bookmark + stickers.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <em>NOTE&nbsp; :</em></p> <p> <em>1 / In case the submission succeeds, of course, I&#39;d do at least the first issue with you.</em></p> <p> <em>2 / Your script needs to be professionnal looking, ready to be submitted to publishers.</em></p> <p> <em>3 / If necessary, I also can help you preparing your submission pack.</em></p>