Bonjour à tous !</p>
Le tournage de <em>Kids with Guns</em> a commencé !</p>
Les prises de vues s'étaleront jusqu'à la fin août sur Paris et Boulogne !</p>
Nous ne manquerons pas de vous tenir informés de son avancement par des photos et d'autres actualités !</p>
<img alt="Photo" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/111021/photo.JPG" /></p>
A très vite, avec <em>Kids with Guns </em>!</p>
Anthony & Antony</p>
Help us to produce "Kids with Guns", an intense urban thriller, presented by Les Films de l'Ours and La Mécanique.

End date
Out of €20.000
114 %
The publications
A une semaine du début du tournage, Florent Larriven dévoile sa bande démo 2014 en tant que chef opérateur.</p>
Alerte : talent à suivre !</p>
<div class="embed">
<iframe allowfullscreen="" class="embedly-embed" frameborder="0" height="304" scrolling="no" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2Fa8QXMUZtX4Y%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Da8QXMUZtX4Y&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fa8QXMUZtX4Y%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></div>
<img alt="Bannieremerci" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/107544/bannieremerci.jpg" /></p>
Grâce à nos 158 généreux KissBankers nous avons atteint notre objectif et nous l'avons même dépassé ! Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont cru en nous. Nous allons tout faire pour mériter cette confiance !</p>
<em>Kids with Guns</em>, ce n'est pas fini ! Il reste encore 3 jours pour partager au maximum le projet pour permettre de dépasser encore plus l'objectif, ce qui nous permettra de mieux gérer le tournage, la régie, le matériel, etc.</p>
Le tournage de "Kids with Guns" devrait commencer dans exactement deux semaines et vous serez tenus au courant régulièrement de nos avancées par des photos, des petits articles, des témoignages....</p>
Un très grand merci de la part de toute l'équipe à nos généreux contributeurs et merci d'avance à ceux qui se laisseront encore tenter par l'aventure d'ici la clôture du projet sur KissKissBankBank ! </p>
A très vite avec <em>Kids with Guns</em> ! </p>
Anthony & Antony</p>
Le casting principal de <em>Kids with Guns</em> est complet !</p>
<img alt="Capture_d__cran_2014-07-08___15.54.03" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/106321/Capture_d__cran_2014-07-08___15.54.03.png" /></p>
<strong>CYRIL DUREL </strong>est<strong> Le Vairon</strong></p>
Étudiant dans une école de commerce prestigieuse, Le Vairon gère un trafic de drogue dans le 16ème arrondissement de Paris. Il repère Arno et Mo et les fait travailler pour lui.</p>
<img alt="Capture_d__cran_2014-07-08___15.59.18" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/106322/Capture_d__cran_2014-07-08___15.59.18.png" /></p>
<strong>CHRISTELLE JACQUAZ </strong>est<strong> Laura</strong></p>
Laura est une jeune inspectrice de police et la coéquipière de Ratjev. Elle enquête avec lui sur les réseaux de drogue dans le 16ème arrondissement de Paris.</p>
<img alt="Jennifer_r" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/106326/JENNIFER_R.jpg" /></p>
<strong>JENNIFER RIHOUEY </strong>est<strong> Émilie</strong></p>
Émilie est la grande soeur d'Arno. Elle s'inquiète pour lui et tente de le ramener dans le droit chemin.</p>
<img alt="Pierre_t" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/106324/PIERRE_T.jpg" /></p>
<strong>PIERRE TIMAITRE </strong>est<strong> Pierre</strong></p>
Pierre est le premier collaborateur et fournisseur du Vairon.</p>
L'aventure <em>Kids with Guns</em> continue !</p>
Anthony & Antony</p>
<strong>The casting for <em>Kids with Guns</em> is underway !</strong></p>
Today, meet the two actors who will play our main characters <strong style="font-size: 12px;">Arno & Mo : Robin Betchen & Andrew Tisba !</strong></p>
<img alt="Robin" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/102831/RObin.jpg" /></p>
<strong>Robin Betchen will be Arno.</strong></p>
Arno is a young drug dealer who went several times to juvenile correction facilities. When he finds the bag filled with MDMA, he sees the opportunity to move up a gear. <span style="font-size: 12px;">Distrustful and opportunist, he believes only in one thing : the power of money.</span></p>
<img alt="Andrew" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/102832/Andrew.jpg" /></p>
<strong>Andrew Tisba will be Mo.</strong></p>
Mo is Arno's best friend, both relaxed and more reasonable, he is the funny one. Smooth talker, he completes the talents of Arno as a dealer with his ease and humor.</p>
<img alt="Plan_wait_on_banc" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/102838/plan_wait_on_banc.jpg" /></p>
The campaign is still going ! Support, like, share ! <br />
See you soon with <em>Kids with Guns </em><span style="font-size: 12px;">! </span></p>
<span style="font-size: 12px;">Anthony & Antony ! </span></p>
The casting for <em>Kids with Guns</em> is underway !</p>
While we're casting for the parts of Arno and Mo, and also the rest of the cast, we picked our Police Inspector Ratjev who will be played by <strong>Éric Chantelauze</strong> !</p>
Ratjev is a policeman obsessed by the law which he considers sacred. He never doubts his actions and can be expeditious.</div>
Ratjev always gets what he wants : to put behind bars those who violate the law.</div>
He nourishes a personal hatred for drug dealers.</div>
<img alt="Capture_d__cran_2014-06-13___17.18.43" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/100744/Capture_d__cran_2014-06-13___17.18.43.png" /></p>
<em>(Crédit photo : Jean-Marc Gourdon)</em></p>
Find more about him on his website : <a href="http://chantelauzeeric.wix.com/eric-chantelauze" target="_blank">here</a>.</div>
<img alt="Sc_n__combat" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/89552/sc_n__combat.jpg" /></div>
<img alt="Miniature_mozart_en" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/98013/Miniature_Mozart_EN.jpg" /></div>
For « Kids with Guns » we are looking for songs for the original soundtrack. If you’re a composer, a singer, a musician or part of a band and you think your music could fit into our world, contact us!</div>
This is a guerilla film project with the Parisian Golden Youth as background but also set in more discreet drug-selling spheres.</div>
The movie contains party scenes, deal scenes, pursuits, dark scenes and also some scenes a bit sexy… So we’re not stuck with only one musical style!</div>
We’re looking for electronic music, rock, dubstep, techno, metal, ambiance, etc.</div>
If it can help, here’s a Deezer link to a playlist of some songs that inspired us during the writing of the script: <a href="http://www.deezer.com/playlist/711768585" target="_blank">http://www.deezer.com/playlist/711768585</a>.</div>
Of course this is not an exhaustive list of our references.</div>
At the moment, all the « Kids with Guns » crew is composed of volunteers, so it will also be the case of the composers, bands and musicians who will propose their music. </div>
But the ambition of the project is to make a film so great it could be sold and then shown in theaters; in that case the production companies will have to pay the crew and artistic rights (including the music).</div>
It is therefore the common objective of all the enthusiasts joining the adventure: to make the best film possible that could help everyone, artistically and professionally.</div>
If you’re interested by this adventure, send us extracts, videos, links… We’ll surely find some amazing songs for « Kids with Guns »!</div>
=> [email protected]</div>
Find also the contest on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/events/752334708122890" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, you can share it and invite all the musicians you know !</div>
Thank you, </div>
Les Films de l’Ours</div>
Dear KissBankers !</p>
The crew of <em>Kids with Guns</em> is back from the International Cannes Film Festival after 10 days of Cinema, professional meetings and promotion.</p>
We are now entering an intensive preparation phase, working on the shooting script, new casting sessions and location scouting.</p>
You'll find right here some more news about these different stages. Stay tuned !</p>
Today, we focus on some of the rewards offered to the KissBankers.</p>
<img alt="Tshirt_exclusif" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/97411/TShirt_Exclusif.jpg" /></p>
Exclusive <em>Kids with Guns </em>t-shirts are available in two colours (Black and White) and in two sizes (M and L).</p>
<img alt="Sacs_exclusifs" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/97416/Sacs_exclusifs.jpg" /></p>
Also available, exclusive <em>Kids with Guns</em> bags.</p>
Exclusive <em>Kids with Guns</em> condoms are included in the Prestige Pack but some will also be given randomly to lucky KissBankers.</p>
For more information about the use of the exclusive <em>Kids with Guns </em>condoms, find Nikki Lee in an explicative video, <a href="http://youtu.be/Sagg08DrO5U" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
See you soon, with <em>Kids with Guns</em> !</p>