Let's change lives... with a minivan.
Help buying a vehicle for APTERS, an amazing NGO supporting children with disabilities in Zambia!
End date
Out of €6.750
116 %
Bon courage pour ce beau projet.
Longue et belle vie à ce projet, on suit l'affaire de très près !!! bravo Nicolas
Good project! Bises les zambiens (les gens bien?? ;) )
Bravo Nico !! Contente d'avoir pu contribuer a ce beau projet. Nadia
Keep moving Nico! La vie est merveilleuse pour les gens qui s'émerveillent ;o)
Great project - please keep up the good work and let us know when more cardboard is required from Tombwe. We can work something out for transport (free delivery). Rgds, Geke (Tombwe Processing Limited)
Bravo pour cette initiative ! La visite d'APTERS nous a laissé un chaleureux souvenir. On croise les doigts!
Great work. Thank you for all your work with these children. When I visited Apters last fall, I was amazed at the way the projects were being built. My hope is to return and work with my daughter Sara Ash who helps you there with the kids. Carla Smith