Sachez qu'il est encore possible de vous offrir les séances de respiration guidées et la réduction de 50% sur l'atelier d'initiation du 16 février !!! Le crowdfunding reste ouvert jusqu'au 15 février, jusqu'à mardi soir minuit, et les dons supplémentaires seront reversés à une association : Rêves de clown ! Bon weekend et merci encore à tous ceux et toutes celles qui ont contribué à ce succès, par un don, par les multiples partages sur le réseau et par les soutiens du cœur !
[DOCUMENTAIRE] Voyage into the heart of breath
Support the creation of a documentary on Transformational Breath®
English subtitles are available for all videos on Vimeo's links.
![Project visual [DOCUMENTAIRE] Voyage into the heart of breath](
End date
Out of €6.000
106 %
The publications
Excellente nouvelle : depuis le 12 février, grâce à 88 contributeurs la campagne de financement participatif pour le film « Voyage au cœur du souffle » a atteint les 100% ! 89 contributions au moment du 100%, mais 88 personnes puisque l'une d'entre elles a donné deux fois. Symbole de l'abondance, le 8 nous rappelle aussi l'infini, symbole de la respiration continue que nous avons repris visuellement pour illustrer le film. Nous vous remercions donc INFINIMENT pour votre générosité, votre présence, votre confiance ! Et nous vous disons à bientôt pour des nouvelles du film quand il sera fini ! (fin mars). Michaël & Florent
Good morning! After an intensive weekend of work, we gave birth to a new video! This presents the beginning of the film, its first 5 minutes through the presentation of its main characters, knowing that one of these three characters presented in the first teaser is presented in the direct continuation of the film. A new title too, as well as a new short and dynamic teaser at the end of the video letting you imagine the rest of the film! Here is the version with english subtitles (you must activate them with the "CC" logo): Thank you for your help and don't hesitate to leave a comment to tell us what this new video inspires you! Have a nice day everyone! Florent Bianchi
We all come into the world with one thing in common: we experience separation, individuality: we temporarily forget the bond that unites us to the universe. Moreover, we have been evolving for a century and a half in a society that is increasingly materialistic and losing meaning. It is a crisis ! And many of us today feel a strong call to a spiritual reconnection, with our soul, without always managing to extract ourselves from the hectic pace of modern life or really knowing how to go about changing the level of consciousness... I am one of those people who seek and experience ways accessible to Westerners to transform themselves. Activating my breathing was for me one of the strongest and most direct experiences to access this reconnection. With my friend Florent, who also lived this experience of Transformational Breath®, we wanted to express ourselves on the subject and contribute to the development of this approach which touched us a lot, by making this documentary film. Thanks to the complicity and the great relational quality of the people who propose this practice, and to the complicity of those who lived it after us, this film intends to testify to the transforming journey that it is possible to offer oneself to pivotal moments of life, when we feel the call! Much more than a simple promotional film for the method of Transformational Breath®, we wish to develop in this film a general reflection on the desire that a human being can have to reach his full potential in life, to be close to his soul and in particular to take his place fully in today's world which is changing very quickly and requires our active and conscious participation to be up to many challenges. The subject will be brought through certain participants who have agreed to engage in the camera and reveal a certain intimacy.
Film funding plan - This film undeniably has a promotional aspect, which is why the organizers of this seminar have contributed more than anyone else to the general budget, but not all of it so that we can keep our freedom of tone and have the possibility of developing a personal statement and our view on the subject. For this reason we have chosen to ask the public to finance the post-production and we hope that this project will make you want to co-produce it to the extent of your means before February 15, the campaign deadline! We wish you the best and thank you in advance for your contributions, Warmly Michael Le Sauce
Hello everyone, Because we were behind schedule with the campaign and media support was slow to come in and was just arriving at the end of the month, we asked to be able to extend the campaign until February 15. This is information that has therefore evolved from that provided at the end of the last video posted this morning on the organization of the editing of the sequences. Thank you in advance to the many people who will come in turn to co-produce this film and participate in highlighting the power of breath in individual and collective transformation!
Hello everybody ! A new video on the organization of the current post-production of the film and more precisely the image editing! Accompanied by a nice and very practical online application: MURAL. It is thanks to all these post-its that we are in the process of structuring the sequences of the film. You can see at a glance the quantity of sequences and therefore the richness of the material that will make up this pretty film that we are preparing for you! Have a nice day, Florent and Michael
We have passed 30% of the campaign and it's already great! But we only have 20 days left to succeed and reach the goal and we think that one of the difficulties of the campaign comes from the fact that the project is partly associated with a promotional film more than an auteur documentary, and that highlighting the Transformational Breath© brand is an obstacle to the development of the project towards wider audiences that we are unable to reach today. So we would like to clarify this point: More than a simple promotional film for the method, we wish to develop in this film a general reflection on the desire that a human being can have to reach his full potential in life and therefore to be closer to his soul. We've deliberately chosen to document this specific method of breathing because it seemed to us the most complete and the most promising compared to others. It is absolutely not a question of an order but of a desire on our part to make known this subject, which is moreover treated in a truly documentary way, that is to say through characters who tell us their personal story and with which some can identify. Today, this film needs everyone's goodwill to finance its production. We thank the people who have already trusted us and we would be grateful if you could echo this, make a sounding board, in your networks, by sharing the link and the fact that you support the project! Thank you to everyone Michael and Florent
In this new video, Florent presents you a little bit of the spirit of the film's future introductory sequence, which is really not definitive, we are just at the beginning but it's just to tell you that we are there ! We wish you an enlightening and serene month of January! In order to activate english subtitles, please click on the "CC" button in the video.
Hello dear supporters! Today Florent and I want to share with you this extract from an interview in which Paul and Catharina explain the profiles of the people who come to participate in a Transformational Breath seminar, and how the force of breathing can help us, call and talk to us very intuitively about the fact that it is what organically connects us to the universe! We also want to set an intention here in relation to the difficult events that we have been going through for two years: the fact of activating the respiration in an intensive way, by reoxygenation, the circulation of fluids and the detoxination which results from it, is one of the most powerful means to find and strengthen our spiritual connection, to our soul, to our most essential embodied presence, so damaged by the system in which we live.
Hello to our entire inner circle, whom we warmly thank for being there! It is thanks to you that the momentum will be given for the launch of this crowdfunding campaign.