12 november 2020
Ski & Snowboard Foundation Nepal: Building together a bright future
Support us & the foundation to continue training local mountain guides to facilitate safe ski touring tourism in Nepal

End date
Out of €3.000
117 %
Ski & Snowboard Foundation Nepal: Building together a bright future
<p><strong>What is the Nepal Ski & Snowboard federation doing?</strong></p>
<p>After the devastating earthquake which hit Nepal in 2015, Nepali students and mountain guides initiated the Ski and Snowboarding Foundation Nepal. They train mountain guides how to conduct skitours securely with tourists in close collaboration with a consortium of Austrian, German, Swedish and Swiss ski instructors that are keen on sharing their skills and knowledge. At the same time the organization encourages Nepalese students and youngsters to learn how to ski and snowboard to maximize their chances in their professional life.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/686608/a0579100-1988-4c62-b387-5228ec5f5108.jpg" width="100%" /></p>
<p><strong>What do we ask & why?</strong></p>
<p>Since the spring of 2020, all Nepal's tourism has been put on hold due to the Covid-19 crisis. As also now during autumn tourism in not picking up again, the NGO & a lot of families are struggling to obtain the yearly income on which they rely. Therefore we are looking for financial & material donations (e.g. old skitouring material, skins, poles, splitboards, boots, avalanche safety equipement, etc) to ensure the foundation can continue their work.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/686617/60a02f02-aa11-464d-aaf8-0c35cc62f78c.jpg" width="100%" /></p>
<p><strong>Who are we?</strong></p>
<p>We are a Belgian team of experienced skiers, snowboarders & Alpine climbers who were planning to team up with the Foundation in December to go & exchange knowledge & expertise by exploring together a remote Nepalese area during winter. Unfortunately the outlook of the crisis isn't looking bright & chances are getting really small that we can go & therefore we hope to still be able to support in a different way.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/686613/214194c4-071d-4702-8587-6dcf61a708b1.PNG" width="100%" /></p>
Allocation of funds
<p><strong>How will the NGO use the donations</strong></p>
<p>Financial donations will be firstly used for the support the daily activities during the coming difficult winter months:</p>
<li>Rent for the HQ in Kathmandu</li>
<li>Paying bills such as electricity, gas & internet</li>
<li>paying the minimum salary of the 9 employees</li>
<li>Hosting the website</li>
<p>Additional financial funding will be used for:</p>
<li>Shipment of collected material towards Nepal</li>
<li>Setting up training courses & expeditions for local mountain guides</li>
<li>Buying necessary additional safety equipment e.g. avalanche beacons, probes & shovels</li>
<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/686609/c6ecf94c-9d51-42fc-b991-44e35dd4b68e.jpg" width="100%" /></p>

Featured reward
Boterlamp aangestoken in boeddhistische tempel Kathmandu.
- 15 contributions
De boterlampen helpen de geest te concentreren en meditatie te bevorderen en helpen om goed karma te krijgen.

Eervolle erkenning in het hoofdkantoor van de Stichting in Kathmandu.
- 12 contributions
We zullen een enorme poster maken waarop alle namen van de bijdragers zullen worden vermeld en die aan de muur zal hangen in het kantoor van de stichting in Kathmandu.

Gesigneerde foto door voormalig wereldkampioen slopestyle snowboard Seppe Smits
- 2 contributions
Gesigneerde foto door voormalig wereldkampioen slopestyle snowboarden Seppe Smits 2x wereldbekerwinnaar & 2x Olympisch atleet
Estimated delivery: February 2021

Official T-shirt of Ski & Snowboard foundation Nepal
- 22 contributions
Support the foundation & become a proud ambassador with a fantastic T-shirt
Estimated delivery: February 2021

- 6 contributions
Een traditionele sjaal rechtstreeks uit Nepal ontvangen tijdens klimexpedities. Samen met deze Khata krijgt U uitleg waar deze Khata gegeven werd, geschiedenis van de expeditie en met een foto van de berg met krachtige quote gegeven door Sofie Lenaerts, Eerste Belgische vrouw 7Summiteer. de Khata symboliseert zuiverheid en mededogen en wordt bij veel ceremoniële gelegenheden gedragen of met wierook gepresenteerd.
Estimated delivery: February 2021

Welkomst- en afscheidsdiner in Nepalese opzet Thali
Als je naar Nepal reist, verzorgt de stichting een heerlijk welkomst- en afscheidsdiner inclusief een culturele dansshow. U ontvangt een tegoedbon via e-mail (1 jaar geldig) die door uzelf of familieleden kan worden ingewisseld.

Warm welcome by the Foundation for your next adventure
When arriving in Nepal for your next adventure, the foundation will arrange a lovely arrival including a night in the VIP hotel, Kathmandu. You will receive a voucher via e-mail (1 year valid) which can be redeemed by yourself or relatives.

Guided sightseeing tour in Kathmandu with Foundation
Before or after your adventure, you will be able to enjoy Kathmandu in an exceptional way, guided by locals on Scooter or Bike (Entry fees not included). You will receive a voucher via e-mail (1 year valid) which can be redeemed by yourself or relatives.

5% discount voucher on your next adventure organized via the Foundation
If you plan any adventure / expedition in Nepal via the foundation, you will get a discount of 5% on your personal expense. You will receive a voucher via e-mail (1 year valid) which can be redeemed by yourself or relatives.

10% discount voucher on your next adventure organized via the Foundation
- 1 contribution
If you plan any adventure / expedition in Nepal via the foundation, you will get a discount of 10% on your personal expense. You will receive a voucher via e-mail (1 year valid) which can be redeemed by yourself or relatives.

Inspirerend evenement gehosted door Seppe Smits & Sofie Lenaerts
2 topsporters (snowboarden & alpine klimmen) zullen te gast zijn op uw event - 1u presentatie georganiseerd door Seppe Smits (voormalig wereldkampioen Slopestyle snowboarden) & Sofie Lenaerts (1 Belgische dames 7-Summiteer). Zie https://www.sportspreker.be/ voor meer info, timing & details om samen via e-mail uit te werken.