
Because climate disorders are accelerating all around the world, help us innovate to protect the ocean faster and further away!

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🇫🇷 Nous voici lauréats du concours Coup de coeur La Banque Postale & KissKissBankBank. Un énorme MERCI pour avoir participé aux 507 votes du public qui nous a élu. 🙏🥳 C'est un coup de pouce financier de 50% de l'objectif de collecte. Et des retombées précieuses en termes de notoriété. Et puis la collecte est prolongée jusqu'à fin novembre. D'ores et déjà nous pouvons démarrer la v2 du projet en vue d'une installation de Station 16-1546 l'an prochain. La v1 du prototype a été retirée du récif mi octobre, avant l'arrivée de la mousson. Les tests ont apporté de nombreux enseignements. La v2 sera calibrée en fonction du montant final collecté, d'où l'importance de continuer nos efforts de collecte. Où en sommes-nous sur le terrain ? Nous avons débuté l'analyse des données collectées pendant cette période de tests. C'est un travail lourd, compliqué par les conditions météo difficiles en octobre. Environ 40.000 images comme celles-ci ont été collectées : Plusieurs éléments sont maintenant à valider : data-visualisation de la biodiversité. Le volume global, son évolution, sont des éléments clés que nous mesurerons dans un temps long pour analyser la santé du récif, validation de l'algorithme, et amélioration grâce aux nouvelles images, nouveaux angles, et bien sûr observation de chaque détail, identification des espèces sentinelles, etc 🇬🇧 We have been awarded of the "Coup de Coeur" La Banque Postale & KissKissBankBank competition. A huge THANK YOU for taking part in the 507 public votes that elected us. 🙏🥳 This means a financial boost of 50% of the fundraising target. And valuable project awareness. What's more, the crowdfunding campaign has been extended until the end of November. We can already start working on v2 of the project with a view to installing Station 16-1546 next year. The v1 prototype was removed from the reef in mid-October, before the beginning of the monsoon. The tests brought several feedback. Now the v2 will be calibrated according to the final amount collected, which is why it's so important to continue our fund-raising efforts. Where do we stand now in the field? We have started analysing the data collected during this test period. It's a big job, complicated by the bad weather conditions in October. Around 40,000 images like these were collected: Several items now need to be validated: biodiversity data-visualisation . The overall volume and its evolution over time is one of the key elements that we will be measuring over a long period to analyse the health of the reef, validation of the algorithm, and training with new images and new angles, and, of course, observation of every detail, species identification, etc. 📣 WE'RE IN THE NEWS ! Europe1 15/11/2024, Initiatives en France : Tēnaka : l'entreprise solidaire chargée de participer à la protection et à la restauration des écosystèmes côtiers Figaro magazine 23/10/2024 : Un robot au service du corail
📣 Last day to vote ! 🇫🇷 Bonne nouvelle ! Nous sommes un des 2 finalistes du concours « coup de coeur du mois » KissKissBankBank/Banque postale 🦈 Démarre ce soir lundi 4 une battle sur Instagram pour désigner le gagnant, qui se verra attribuer 50% de la collecte. Nous avons encore besoin de vous 🤗 La marche à suivre : 1) Suivre le compte La Banque Postale sur Instagram 2) Suivre le compte KissKissBankBank sur Instagram 3) Commenter le post du Coup de coeur sur Instagram en taggant #TENAKA Fin des votes : jeudi 7/11 à midi Notre concurrent est une TV avec +50k followers. Il va falloir jouer serré. On compte sur vous ! 🇬🇧 Great news ! We are one of the two finalists of the KissKissBankBank contest for the favourite campaign of the month (« coup de coeur » in french) Now, a battle on Instagram will decide who the winner is, taking home 50% of their campaign target (A big deal for us). The more #TENAKA, the more chance to get rewarded ! What you need to do: 1) Follow La Banque Postale on Instagram 2) Follow KissKissBankBank on Instagram 3) Comment the contest on this post on Instagram and tag #TENAKA Votes will end up on : Thursday 7/11 at noon Our competitor is a TV with +50k followers. We'll need your help. Please vote, and spread the word! 🙏
You are formi-formi-formidables 🙏🙏 Thanks to your support, the first stage of the campaign has been reached. We can now raise our target to 150% and aim to have an installation next year. And thanks to all the support for the project, we're getting tremendous media coverage. Today in Figaro Magazine, a major weekly magazine with over 380,000 copies. 📣 OTHER PR MARINE & OCEANS (FR) TENAKA lance « Station 16-1546 » ÇA M'INTÉRESSE (FR) Cette entreprise française utilise l'IA pour estimer la santé des coraux MER ET MARINE (FR) Tēnaka : une bouée intelligente pour automatiser la surveillance de l’évolution du corail DIGINOMICA (UK/USA) Technology and data initiatives aim to preserve the world’s declining coral reefs THE EDGE (Singapore) How technology can contribute towards biodiversity conservation SPRINGWISE (UK) What can business do to make a difference? More to come soon. Stay tuned, and please, keep spreading the word. Any contribution counts, any comments 🪸
That's the number of clear images collected for the first batch underwater. So it works 🦈 Before reaching this point, we had to overcome the technical adjustments inherent in the first days of testing, followed by windy and rainy weather conditions... The full end-to-end solution works, from images taken underwater in a reef of south China sea, transmitted by the solar buoy, then collected on a server in the Netherlands and analysed by the artificial intelligence algorithm. It works and we can now start checking and training the species recognition algorithm. At inception, 17 species were selected by the marine biologists as ‘bio-indicators’ because of their significance for the health of the reef. Please check out our Instagram. Wei Yi posts explanations of each bio-indicator species. Turtle, parrotfish, shark... you will find a source of wonder to see how each of them has a specific role to play in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem. Station 16-1546 is there to count, analyse, explain and help maintain this fragile ecosystem, a condition for sustainable marine life. 📣 WE'RE IN THE NEWS ! ÇA M'INTÉRESSE (FR) Cette entreprise française utilise l'IA pour estimer la santé des coraux MER ET MARINE (FR) Tēnaka : une bouée intelligente pour automatiser la surveillance de l’évolution du corail DIGINOMICA (UK/USA) Technology and data initiatives aim to preserve the world’s declining coral reefs THE EDGE (Singapore) How technology can contribute towards biodiversity conservation SPRINGWISE (UK) What can business do to make a difference? Dive into the box !
You are great ! Thanks for your support so far. KissKissBankBank says that, at 40% reached, our chances of success are 97% So 🤞 and let's keep going ! Back to Malaysia... Let’s dive with Shahir and Suhaimi, en route to set up Station 16-1546 in the Tioman marine park reef. The underwater module is carefully transported to one of our coral nurseries. The floats help to carry this heavy piece. It's a 45 mn dive, installing the station a 8 meters deep. By the way you can see the domes structures of one of our nurseries. Here 3000 sqm have be planted in 2023. The station is in place. 4 cameras will soon be taking pictures 360° every 30 seconds, transmitted to the cloud by the flotting buoy, and analysed by the machine learning algorithm. Coming next: let's dive into it!
First of all, THANK YOU! You are the first contributors, the first coral lovers! We've almost raised €10,000. Big up for your support! . We're delighted to have you joining our coalition to help reefs conservation. And because we're all concerned about the health of the ocean, every contribution counts. Please share and spread the word! Our station 16-1546 has landed in Tioman Island, Malaysia ! Camille and Martin worked a couple of days to put it all together. They were helped by our friends and local partners at Reef Check. Here, Shahir is heading for the reef, ready for the first installation of the station at a depth of 8 meters. Coming next: let's dive with Station 16-1546!