Anthology OSAMU TEZUKA by Tanuko - Collector Blu-ray Box

Join us in creating the "LOVE SAVES THE EARTH" box set: 8 fascinating feature films, 8 immersions into the universe of Osamu Tezuka.

Project visual Anthology OSAMU TEZUKA by Tanuko - Collector Blu-ray Box
End date
137 pre-orders
Out of 300
46 %
otaku38178 days

remboursement effectué , merci c'est rapide et maintenant ? c'est fini ? pas de coffret en vente quand même ailleurs ? ....

gwynplaine manach178 days

Normalement on a tous reçu un mail explicatif de la suite ! Des infos ici :

tanuko_eu178 days

Merci pour votre message. Vous allez avoir un mail encore ce week-end concernant la suite de l'aventure. UNE ÉNORME MERCI UNE FOIS DE PLUS pour l’intérêt que vous portez à notre coffret.

blaize-vincent182 days

when will the refunds be issued?

tanuko_eu179 days

Hello. If a goal is not reached, the platform will refund you within a few days, as indicated on this page - [](

186 days

GO GO GO pour le Rush Final !!! 😎✊🔥

wesley-holtkamp193 days

So is the project gonna extended even longer after this 11-day period ends, or is this that gonna be it ?It would have little to do with crowdfunding at that point but I would be alright if it would stay open till even the end of the year if need be.Of course, I do ask questions about some of the marketing decisions... Meanwhile, the newest Animego Kickstarter anime project has 915 backers in just 4 days... and has almost doubled its goal with still 26 days to go.

This project seems to have been hit by the following problems (if not more) : Little promotion, the interface only in French, Europe only... and a website that nobody even knows or uses outside of France... no wonder over 90 percent of backers are only from France, yet I'm well aware of how mainstream Anime, manga is in France so I'm quite disappointed to not even have reached halfway yet.

It's a sad reality but if Kickstarter was used and if you could have worldwide rights I would have guaranteed you it would have made it by now and more.

After the first day, this project seemed to have run out of steam already... I only counted 1 day it had reached 9 backers in a single day, otherwise, it confirms my suspicions that most people who are still new backers find this project by accident.But that does bring up the point of holding it open for a few months longer cause it might still make it by then even if it's a bit of a roundabout approach.

tanuko_eu193 days

Thank you for your feedback and observations. I'd like to clarify that the licensing rights we acquired for this project are exclusively for Europe, which contractually prevents us from marketing in the United States. We recognize that there’s always room for improvement in our marketing efforts, and we're aware of this. However, it's important to remember that our company is only one year old, and we don't have the same communication power or resources as an established publisher like the one you mentioned.

Regarding the platform, we were approached by KissKissBankBank last year, and we accepted their proposal because it was an excellent opportunity for us to offer this unique box set. If the campaign doesn't reach its goal in 11 days, contributors will, of course, be refunded. But don’t worry, the team has a plan B that will be communicated immediately afterward (although our main focus is still to make this project a success). In any case, the box set will be released.

We appreciate your support and understanding.

elise-neau204 days

Super projet, très hâte de pouvoir découvrir ces films de Tezuka jamais sortis chez nous.

Setni.Baro214 days

Ce projet est intéressant. Sans Tezuka, le manga et la japanimation tel qu'on les connaît n'existeraient pas. Il faut soutenir ce projet !

Julien-Le Tourneur
215 days

Bravo pour cette initiative et ce bel hommage qui permettra de faire découvrir cet immense auteur qui a tant influencé les générations suivantes notamment dans la japanimation

Xoljan216 days

Bon courage, j'arrive sur la fin mais j'espère que ça va passer !

blaize-vincent217 days

Happy to of backed but with two weeks to go it's not looking great, though hopefully that is mainly down to the money coming out straight away?

Can't help thinking that Kickstarter would've made more sense.

wesley-holtkamp219 days

I just put Artificial intelligence AI to the test for how this project had been doing so far. he gave me an entire long explenation about it but i will be giving the summmary here :

The choice of platform limits exposure.Marketing strategies seem inadequate for building momentum.Language barriers may deter participation from wider audiences.Current progress suggests that reaching the funding goal is unlikely without immediate intervention.

Bras court222 days

C'est un superbe projet, magnifique ! 👍

wesley-holtkamp242 days

The last days have been such a big frustraration for me.I was pushing this project big time I got it in an article on AnimeNewsNetwork I made a video about it made posts about this in different facebook groups and tried to explain things as best as I could.Sure a few people have backed the project because of my efforts but right now the count is still 69 I feel personally responsible for the fact I wasn't be able to get a better result from all the effort I put in.

at 69 right now I just don't see how it's going to make it 1,2 maybe 3 people a day which it has been doing as of late just wouldn't do.I came to the following conclusions of what are at least some reasons it might not be working out :

1. The French-only interface might scare some people away English would have been an idea to have included since really almost all backers so far are all from France exclusively.2. Kiss Bank Bank had never heard of it before Kickstarter for example is way more known3. Europe doesn't seem have the same passion for over the top limited deluxe editions as the USA has perhaps a more to the point release would have worked.4. To add to the 3th point it's Europe only while many people outside of Europe want it, I have talked to many people outside of Europe that are really disappointed now.5. You haven't been around as a company for that long and don't really have such a big cult following yet then perhaps going all out was a bit much to ask, I know many people who fund every Kickstarter Animgo releases no matter what it is instantly, the goal they set usually get's made within an hour or 2 of starting it.6. more marketing outside of France might give it a little boost i'm trying to think of places to reach more Europeans that might not know about it that would be interested in it.

Thumbs grossed we are going to make it I feel we need a miracle if this goes on like it has... I'm only trying to help but honestly thought just like you must have thought that this would easily made it to at least 300 without any kind of major marketing push since I didn' think 300 was all that much to begin with.