A book about Iceland's art scene

L’Islande a une scène artistique incroyablement riche. Etrangement, il n’existe quasiment aucun livre à ce sujet.

Visuel du projet A book about Iceland's art scene
Date de fin
3 720 €
Sur 3 000 €
124 %

Soutenu par

CINEMA GALERIES soutient le projet A book about Iceland's art scene

Les publications

<p>Dearest crowdfunders, we know, it's been a while! A lot of sweat and tears have been shed and it's been a very long process, but we're so happy to announce that our baby of 256 pages is almost ready! You can keep up with the development here: <a href="https://www.isleofartbook.com/" target="_blank">https://www.isleofartbook.com/ </a></p> <p>Many thanks again to everyone who contributed!</p> <p>x Sarah &amp; Pauline</p> <p><img alt="Fb_cover_pic-1547491130" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/564380/fb_cover_pic-1547491130.jpg"></p>