<strong><u>What Adiacenze is?</u></strong></p>
Adiacenze, a <strong>non-profit association</strong> in Bologna, for the last 4 years has dealt with <strong>contemporary art</strong>, giving the opportunity to young artists to realise their ideas. Since 2010, it has organised 25 exhibitions, involving 30 artists, workshops, events, outdoor projects, networking with over 40 cultural realities over the whole national territory, thus <strong>creating a unique space</strong>.</p>
Our exhibitions’ space for <strong>experimentation and research</strong> was born with the intention of creating the conditions for the diffusion and fruition of emerging artists, in order to understand what the future and the role of art will be in the large Italian cultural scene.</p>
<strong><u>AT THE LIMIT, I’LL GO BEYOND // The project</u></strong></p>
From 27 July to 19 August Adiacenze will move from Bologna to Monte Argentario – at Porto Ercole - to work on a contemporary art project, "AT THE LIMIT, I’LL GO BEYOND", which will take place in Forte Stella - a Spanish fortress built in 1500, shaped as a six-pointed star – that overlooks the sea.</p>
<img alt="Foto__19_" src=""></p>
It will be a <strong>great exhibition</strong>, involving seven young artists - <u>ANDRECO / COCLITE / LA ROSA / MARIOTTI.MAZZEO / MULIERE / PETRIPASELLI / SAVOLDI </u>- who will work around the concept of <em><strong>limit</strong></em>: what is it? Why is it established? How is it lived out? Interracting with the space on at a 360 degree angle, occupying both the interior and the exterior of the structure, with 7 site-specific works, thus changing the look of Forte Stella.</p>
<img alt="Foto_3" src=""></p>
<strong><u>Why Forte Stella?</u></strong></p>
What does Adiacenze have to do with a star-shaped fortress?</p>
Maria Pia Radicetti, our fan, invited us to Tuscany to export a piece of Adiacenze to Forte Stella. The main objective will be to highlight contemporary art through the site-specific works of selected artists.</p>
<img alt="Foto_5" src=""></p>
<u><strong>AT THE LIMIT, I'LL GO BEYOND // Artists</strong></u></p>
<img alt="Andreco_nomadic_landscape_elements_veduta_dell_installzione" src=""></p>
<img alt="Foto__16_" src=""></p>
<strong>LUCA COCLITE</strong></p>
<img alt="Hiding_place_for_the_horizons_show_foto1" src=""></p>
<img alt="Conversazione_aptica_di_fine_giornata_foto1_show" src=""></p>
<strong>MARCO LA ROSA</strong></p>
<img alt="Il_migliore_dei_mondi_possibili_copia" src=""></p>
<img alt="Autoritratto_2012_copia" src=""></p>
<img alt="_dsc0262" src=""></p>
<img alt="Img_1170" src=""></p>
<strong>ELISA MULIERE</strong></p>
<img alt="Elisa_muliere__1_" src=""></p>
<img alt="Muliee_grrrzetic" src=""></p>
<img alt="3__1_" src=""></p>
<img alt="7" src=""></p>
<strong>MARIA SAVOLDI</strong></p>
<img alt="Foto_1" src=""></p>
<img alt="Foto_2" src=""></p>
<u>How to contribute to the project?</u></p>
<strong>For this to become true, we need all your support!</strong></p>
The realisation of such a big project involves a lot of expenses: from transports to equipment, from labour and materials to communication.</p>
<strong>We are asking for your help with the costs involved with:</strong></p>
<strong>TRANSPORT </strong></p>
rental van, petrol, motorway tolls</p>
<strong>COMMUNICATION </strong></p>
advertising materials, flyers, posters, billboards, online advertising, banners</p>
For which we estimate a total of about 2,000 euro.</p>
We think this is a good amount to start our project with.</p>
Transport and communication are fundamental and necessary services to make this project a reality. Without you we could not “go beyond” nor give a consistent echo to our ideas.</p>
<u><strong>Why is it important to support this project?</strong></u></p>
In a historic moment like the one we are living in, it is vital to return to contemporary art the value it deserves.</p>
Indeed <strong>we believe that culture is the key-ingredient of a conscious society</strong>. We would like this not be a utopistic dream, but to became a reality.</p>
<strong>AT THE LIMIT, I’LL GO BEYOND is our bet</strong>.</p>
With a minimum contribution, you won’t just help us to make a project come true, but you will also support the idea that art can really change the perception of reality.</p>
<u>Postcard and digital colour printing</u></p>
With your contribution you’ll receive a postcard illustrating a work by one of our artists, of your choice from the available ones here and /or a digital color printing in A4 format, all signed with a personal dedication and many, many thanks to you!</p>
Let's choose your favourite one!</p>
<img alt="Img_2126" src="">Elisa Muliere</p>
<img alt="Crfndng_cartolina__30__45__60__2014_ferro_cartone_vegetale_cemento_e_grafite_su_muro_dimensione_ambiente_4_chilometri_per_arrivare_alle_7_adiacenze_bologna._copy" src=""></p>
Maria Savoldi</p>
<img alt="_dsc0262" src=""></p>
<img alt="Autoritratto_2012_copia" src=""></p>
Marco La Rosa</p>
<img alt="Compianto_sagomec" src=""></p>
<img alt="Stone_sfondo_bianco" src=""></p>
Luca Coclite & Andreco</p>