Aqua Dice

Une sculpture cinétique célébrant Le Hasard et La Chance en haute mer.

Visuel du projet Aqua Dice
Date de fin
5 378 €
Sur 5 000 €
108 %
Fortune Cubed4474 jours

Hola! Well as you can see the launch was cancelled. My GPS units didn't get here until the launch time almost minute for minute! I hope that you all appreciated the slow revealing of Aqua Dice and can handle some delayed gratification. Soon you will see them on the waterfront. Today, I am still awaiting another GPS component. When I have got it I will put the GPS units in their gymbals and then install them in the dice. Then I will wait for the wind and tide to offer Aqua Dice a safe ride. This will probably be sometime next week. Thank you for your patience. We'll get there!

DJ4479 jours

Bonne traversée aux dés de Max! Denis, cvsq

Archinono4479 jours

Gone with the wind... Amitiés de tes 2 copains de Tanger Scarlette Ouaara & Clark Djebel

lesliec4144480 jours

Bonne chance, Aqua Dice et Max!

Fortune Cubed4480 jours

Dear Supporters, We are closing in on a launch date. It is looking like either this Thursday or Friday from either the jetty or the beach of a small fishing village. I guess that we are at the either / or stage!

Legrand4487 jours

Bon voyage, Max.

ADB4489 jours

"bank, bank"...j'ai banké maintenant "kiss, kisss" ?? Bisous Claire et Laurent

martha.foote.74493 jours

bon voyage!

satfranq4494 jours

Yallah!!!! Hope they float down the Nile at some point!!!! Let them roll....XXX

LeoJ4494 jours

Go Docktor!

eddiemi4494 jours

Wish you succes, sailor.

dank4494 jours

Good luck!