Bar Mario il film
<p>For more than <strong>70 years</strong>, between Italian and Austrian border, in the middle of dolomites, a bar with the shape of a ship is a meeting place for the people of Rencio quarter in Bolzano.</p>
<p>In Bar Mario the customers feels at home. That’s because Bar Mario is situated in the house of the family that runs it.</p>
<p>Marina, Roberto and Paolo lives here. <strong>Only one door</strong> separates the bar from the rest of their house.</p>
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<p>Few meters next to Bar Mario there is Zelig, school for documentary films.</p>
<p>We are a filmmaker that graduated at the Zelig, since three years we are working to produce a documentary about this special place.</p>
<p>Our intention is to tells Bar Mario reality through the eyes of the <strong>capitan of the ship: Marina. </strong></p>
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<p><img alt="Il_saluto_del_capitano-1445696773" src="" /></p>
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<p>She is a middle aged woman that despite of difficulties never lose her smile and her playful mood. Marina's daily life shows us the courage of a <strong>woman/wife/mum </strong>that runs the bar, take care of her husband Roberto, and at the same time raises a son that is regarded “special” by society.</p>
<p>Since he was born, Marina's son Paolo, has been affected by psychophysical diseases. After an unsuccessful operation when he was 18, the doctors said he would never walk again.</p>
<p>But <strong>Marina never gave up</strong>:</p>
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<p>“<em>Paolo sat all the time on the wheelchair staying with the customers in the bar. We spent time trying to stimulate movement in his feet with a little ball. One day he began to move his big toe, and after a few months he could walk without any support”.</em></p>
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<p><img alt="Paolo_giusta_ridotta-1445696978" src="" /></p>
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<p>Bar Mario is a place where <strong>diversity</strong> is accepted and lived as an <strong>added value</strong>.</p>
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<p>We want to tell how the division between public and private doesn’t exist in Bar Mario. Marina, Roberto and Paolo spend their time with the regular customers as a big extended family.</p>
<p>One of these customers is Roland; a 65 year old man who use sandals every day, also when it snows, living like an eremite in a caravan in the middle of the wine yard. He doesn't have anything, except his collection of 22,000 old shirt buttons.</p>
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<p>In this microcosm the stories are intertwined making a <strong>tragicomic portrait</strong> of this place comes into life. </p>
<p>Reality and fiction are mixed together, a <strong>real comedy</strong> where the protagonists interpret the part that life gave them.</p>
<p>In a society where every person is alone, where relationships often are undervalued. <strong>The necessity</strong> to document place which are going to disappear, like Bar Mario, <strong>is impelling.</strong></p>
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<p><strong>OUR TEAM</strong></p>
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<p>“I HAVE A FANTASTIC IDEA!!!” (typical director) <strong>Stefano Lisci</strong></p>
<p>Well, I have to admit, I might have skipped some lessons to go to Bar Mario. The morning always begun with an espresso, a chocolate croissant and then I stayed all day long. Maybe it’s because as a child I spent a lot of time in the shop where my mother was working, and my grandmother lived, just like in Bar Mario. I fell in love with this place and that’s why I choose to make a film about it.</p>
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<p>“A PERFECT COUPLE” (when love is in focus) <strong>Ben and Lilli</strong></p>
<p>Together, both on the set and in life, <strong>Beniamino Casagrande,</strong> the DOP, and <strong>Livia Romano</strong>, the focus puller, took care of Bar Mario's look.</p>
<p>The biggest challenge was to become “invisible”. We were able to capture the spirit in this small place, using heavy equipment, usually used for big productions. </p>
<p>We broke the myth that when shooting a documentary, you have to use light and small equipment.</p>
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<p>“SILENCE PLEASE!” (ahh sound men!) <strong>Ambrose Siyanga Mbuya</strong></p>
<p>The sound of the coffee machine, burr of the fridge, gurgle of the washing machine and shouting people was daily challenges of Bar Mario's ambient sound.</p>
<p>We managed to record the protagonists dialogues clearly. It was a big success! </p>
<p>You will hear!</p>
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<p><img alt="Img_9490-1445699283" src="" /></p>
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<p>Follow us on Facebook:</p>
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<p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
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<p><strong>STATE OF THE PROJECT </strong></p>
<p>The Bar Mario <strong>shooting is already done</strong> between December 2013 and August 2015. This is thanks to the hard working team, the rental company that gave us the equipment as a sponsor, and all people that chose to come on board in this ship. </p>
<p>We are truly grateful, but we are not finished yet..</p>
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<p>So why a crowd funding campaign? </p>
<p>To make a movie you need passion. You need enthusiasm and you need goodwill. But it is not enough. You also <strong>need the technological means.</strong></p>
<p>We are looking for new people interested to participate in our project because we want to finish it in the best way we can. Your support is essential to cover the <strong>post production costs 4000</strong> Euro that includes: </p>
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<p><strong>- 1500 Euro Color correction </strong></p>
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<p><strong>- 1500 Euro Sound editing </strong></p>
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<p><strong>- 500 Euro Subtitles</strong></p>
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<p><strong>- 500 Euro DCP to show Bar Mario in the cinema.</strong></p>
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<p><img alt="Torta-1445967205" src="" /></p>