"Conectando" el Mundo Atlántico: redes, barreras e intercambio (1492-1830)
<strong> Welcome!</strong></p>
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By its very nature, history is written by the victors. We often do not hear the other side of the story, which has led to the establishment of a new field of study: Atlantic History. This historiographical approach centers its attention on the networks and connections established within the three continents bathed by the Atlantic’s waters, purposely trying to erase the strictly victor/conquered dialogue to arrive at a nuanced understanding of this complex and fluid world. To accomplish said goal we have organized a conference that will feature graduate students from this region who are currently working on the details of their current projects.</p>
<img alt="Fotos_congreso" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/56614/Fotos_Congreso.png"></p>
Our conference, titled, <strong>“Conectando el Mundo Atlantico: redes, barreras e intercambio(1492-1830),”</strong> will be held the 2-4 of April, 2014 and will feature famous historians such as <strong>Thomas Cummins</strong> of Harvard, <strong>Pedro Cardim</strong> of Nova Universidad do Lisboa, <strong>Eva Botella Ordinas</strong> of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and <strong>Rafael Valladares </strong>of CISC. </p>
<img alt="Inst_uam_facultad_filosofia_01" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/63657/inst_uam_facultad_filosofia_01.jpg"></p>
That being said, we want to couple the new projects with those of veteran historians to help guide the new lines of research. For this reason we have invited the five aforementioned scholars. All of which are from distinct parts of the Atlantic World, not only in their location, but also in their line of research. Without each, we cannot have a conference that is truly “international.</p>
Read more about our conference objectives in our <a href="http://www.cma2014uam.com" target="_blank">website</a>!</p>
<img alt="Congreso2" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/63671/congreso2.png"></p>
To date we have exhausted our traditional funding avenues, such as grants from universities and other academic institutions, and have come up 2,000 euros short of our necessary goal. Therefore, we have launched a capital campaign with kisskissbankbank. This is where you come into play. Your donation will be used directly to create the “international” quality of the conference. Graciously all of our guest speakers have all offered to come without “extra” compensation; however, we need a means to bring them to Madrid. <u>All of the funds raised will be put to use to cover the flights and hotel of our guest speakers</u> <strong>(1)</strong>. We hope to use <u>extra funds for a lunch before our “Taller” at the Museo del América</u> to ensure that our guided visits of the Museum run smoothly <strong>(2)</strong>. If we are extremely successful, we will <u>invert the rest of the money into a published book of the conference</u> <strong>(3)</strong>.</p>
<strong>Every $5 can go a long way in making our dream a reality</strong>. Regardless of your personal ability to give, <em>please </em>pass this message along to friends, relatives, or anyone else who might be willing to help young emerging historians share their innovative ideas with the academic community!</p>