Georgian ABC book

The idea of ABC Book was born when I was working on Open Society Documentary Photography Project. The theme was the life of Georgian village. A word and a photo are united in the project but the photo is not the direct illustration of the word. Dawn, sky, , "sheni chiri me" ("I love you so much, you are so dear to me that I want to shoulder your woes") these are the words which is often used by these people and represents the part of their lives.

Visuel du projet Georgian ABC book
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310 €
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MayaGriggs4352 jours

Good luck! warmatebebs gisurvebt. Maya

Jessicamurray4381 jours

Natela, I wish you all teh best raising funds for this wonderful book!

ekaotarashvili4382 jours

გისურვებთ წარმატებას! მომწონს თქვენი შემოქმედება და დარწმუნებული ვარ, რომ ამჯერადაც შესანიშნავ ნამუშევრებს შექმნით.