Introducing JustTheBell

Help us create JustTheBell and free our bedrooms from mobile phones!

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2 482 €
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JustTheBell3439 jours

Gregoire, thank you very much, indeed!

JustTheBell3439 jours

Merci Christophe! JustTheBell is happy that you are happy :)

gregaudidier3439 jours

Just the bell, beautiful, simple, poetic... !

Christophe.Cordelle3439 jours

C'est canon, bravo les copains:)

JustTheBell3447 jours

Merci Norida! Happy that you like it...

Norida3448 jours

Joli projet, bravo !

JustTheBell3449 jours

Merci Tanguera! We are very happy that you like the idea. Sure, we are gonna give our best enlarging the choices as maximum! Indeed, users might be able to get updated sounds through the miniUSB cable. Looking forward to be discussing all of these with our backers in September. Warm greetings from Paris.

Tanguera3450 jours

Good ideal ! Aura-t-on un large choix de musiques de réveil aussi ? ;))