<strong>Thanks to all the generous contributions, I have not only achieved my goal but also largely exceeded it.</strong> As a result, I have decided to expand my project. As you know, the school is in a <strong>constant deficit of 3500 Euros each year.</strong> I wish to fund half of the 2015 deficit by collecting 1750 Euros. The total sums up to 3000 Euros. Having already collected 2082 Euros, the 9 following days are left for those who are interested to participate. </p>
L'accès des filles à l'éducation : un droit primordial - Girls' access to education: a fundamental right
Aidez une école en Inde à offrir une éducation aux filles car "un enfant, un livre, un stylo et un enseignant peuvent changer le monde."

Date de fin
2 782 €
Sur 1 250 €
222 %