Louisiana Tour 2015 - Tournée gospel le long du Mississippi
Aidez notre chorale gospel à financer sa tournée en Lousiane !
Date de fin
1 910 €
Sur 1 500 €
127 %
Have a great trip
I always enjoyed the concerts we attended while living in France. Looking forward to hearing about your amazing trip to the USA and all the great memories. God Bless, Bryce, Fonda, and Carson
Ruth/Scott: So excited for you and the trip ahead! How I had hoped to be at at least one of the concerts. However, life being as crazy as it is, I decided to donate the cost of the plane ticket to St. Louis to the choir rather than do the gymnastics attending in person would require. With Stearmans in transit and you guys so busy with the group, it seems trying to catch a visit another time is the best idea! Much love to you and all of the choir members. I'll be praying for you. Love, Zane