Mère Nature

Dance for her, reborn for ourselves.

Visuel du projet Mère Nature
Date de fin
1 145 €
Sur 1 000 €
115 %
Susie-Davis2443 jours

Good luck with the project. I know it will be a success!!

Dixie-Davis2445 jours

Break a leg, ladies! Hope your performance is a HUGE success! <3 Zia Dixie.

Tiffany-Yun2447 jours

Looking forward to a successful show !! Xoxoxo

Wen-Yen2447 jours

Wish you all the best xoxoxo

Colin-Cameron2450 jours

Well done, you Guys - much looking forward to 3 July!

Gordon-Davis2452 jours

This donation and the previous are for 4 persons / tickets. Please send the recording to Victoria Davis. Please provide one additional amulet for Mme Cameron, which Victoria will pick up. Thank you !!

Michelle-Luk2452 jours

Good luck!!! Love you

Gordon-Davis2452 jours

Good luck! Please send the amulet to Sig.ra Rita Soso at Via Leoncavallo 19, 36100 Vicenza Italy