Songdeck - Les premières cartes oracle accompagnées de musique.

Boîte de 36 cartes de chanson illustrées apportant joie, régulation et transformation avec l'application Songdeck.

Visuel du projet Songdeck - Les premières cartes oracle accompagnées de musique.
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Nos engagements

cathy-vervoort152 jours

Dankuwel Jacob voor deze originele manier om mij weer te doen zingen, heb er al zin in🩵💚🧡

sylvia-carroll155 jours

Really looking forward to the SONGDANCE mantras and cards. Looking forward to having an app to accesses them easily.

lotte-uytterhoeven157 jours

Heel benieuwd naar de Songdeck Jacob!

amelia-mcdowell193 jours

I love this concept so much

diane kandel196 jours

Wishing you all the best with your newborn❤️

Anadya196 jours

Amazing project, I am looking forward to use the Songdeck! Best regards, Anadya

Rika Rotsaert197 jours

origineel idee... we supporten dat het succesvol is... Rika

Joey Lam197 jours

Looking forward to these cards! Hope I will receive them before I leave SG in Dec.

michaela-hermann198 jours

It will come true ♥️

rebecca-lucy203 jours

So excited to use this “first of its kind” healing tool for my mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Thank you for creating it!

Jacob Vermeulen200 jours

Thank you dear, Rebecca!