Swimming Laos

SwimmingLaos makes a campaign to support local children to get free and basic swimming lessons.

Visuel du projet Swimming Laos
Date de fin
2 685 €
Sur 2 500 €
107 %
Mary.Harrington2650 jours

Happy to support such inspiring work. Good luck with this next stage. You are making a huge difference to the lives of people in Laos. Bon courage!!

lisetoun2651 jours

That's a good initiative !

EricMa2652 jours

Ca va le faire ! Même si je dois faire du porte-à-porte pour vendre des tickets de tambola !

Maxime.Jul2652 jours

Grosses bises vieux bandit !! J'espère que ta levée de fond va marcher !

L australien2654 jours

Allez j espère que tu vas arriver à concrétiser !

Adamvilay2659 jours

Good luck with it all and thanks to Timo for promoti G

Jack.Sheehan2659 jours

Hi Simon, This is a great initiative. My friend Timo told me about the good cause. I have made a donation of Euro 100. Good luck, Jack

Simon.vaslet2660 jours

Thank you every one for your support and your generosity. We are on the good way. Still 38% to go ! =)

Blessmann2660 jours

Very good project! Swimming is a life skill and every child should learn it at an early age.

Floortje2661 jours

Love this!

j.m.bladon@outlook.com2666 jours

Good luck. I shared this with my friends. I'll encourage support in Oz.

rakschahsa2675 jours

Good luck simon :)