15 juin 2012
Tech Open Air Berlin Festival
A collaborative festival celebrating the passion for technology, creativity and knowledge exchange - Berlin style! 23-24 August, 2012. Be part of it!

Date de fin
26 286 €
Sur 20 000 €
131 %
Tech Open Air Berlin Festival
<strong>THE CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN HAS ENDED. YOU CAN NOW GET YOUR TICKETS HERE: <a href="http://toaberlin.eventbrite.com/" target="_blank">http://toaberlin.eventbrite.com/</a></strong></p>
<strong>PLEASE ALSO VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR UP-TO-DATE INFO ABOUT SPEAKERS AND SATELLITE EVENTS: <a href="http://www.toaberlin.com/" target="_blank">http://www.toaberlin.com/</a></strong></p>
<strong>THANKS! </strong></p>
<strong>IN A NUTSHELL</strong></p>
Tech. Music. Art. </p>
One magical location. Open Air. Hundreds of like-minded people who share a passion for technology, creativity & collaboration. Interactive talks, workshops, music performances, satellite events and parties. Let's inspire and learn from each other, Berlin style!</p>
When? 23-24 August, 2012. </p>
It can only happen with your support! So check out the rewards on the right side and make TOA Berlin a reality! </p>
<u>Interactive Talks and Workshops</u></p>
Alex Farcet, Co-Founder of <a href="http://www.startupbootcamp.org/" target="_blank">Startupbootcamp</a></p>
Ansgar Oberholz, Proprietor of the world-renowened <a href="http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/global-observer/in-berlin-a-tech-startup-scene-booms/873" target="_blank">St.Oberholz</a></p>
Ciarán O'Leary, Partner at <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/financial-organization/earlybird-venture-capital" target="_blank">Early Bird Venture Capital</a></p>
Derk Marseille, Host at <a href="http://fridayat6.de/" target="_blank">Friday at Six</a> Radio Show </p>
Edial Dekker, Founder of <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/gidsy" target="_blank">Gidsy</a></p>
Caitlin Winner, CPO and Co-Founder of <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/amen-2" target="_blank">Amen</a></p>
Fabian and Ferry Heilemann, Founder of <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/dailydeal" target="_blank">DailyDeal</a> (Exit to Google) </p>
Fabian Siegel, CEO at <a href="http://www.deliveryhero.com/" target="_blank">Delivery Hero</a> (Lieferheld)</p>
Felix Petersen, CEO and Co-Founder of <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/amen-2" target="_blank">Amen</a></p>
Holger G. Weiss, CEO of <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/aupeo" target="_blank">Aupeo </a></p>
Ijad Madisch, Founder of <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/researchgate" target="_blank">ResearchGate</a></p>
Marcel Duee, Founder of <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/tweek" target="_blank">Tweek</a></p>
Matt Monahan, Founder of <a href="http://www.alphaboost.com/" target="_blank">Alphaboost </a></p>
Mike Butcher, Editor at <a href="http://techcrunch.com/" target="_blank">TechCrunch</a></p>
Ola Sitarska, Founder of <a href="http://hackwaw.com/" target="_blank">HACKWAW</a>, <a href="http://fashionstyle.pl/" target="_blank">FashionStyle</a></p>
Anna Walkowska, Borys Musielak and Kuba Filipowski, Founders of <a href="http://reaktorwarsaw.com/about" target="_blank">Reaktor</a></p>
Paul Jozefak, Managing Director of <a href="http://www.liquidlabs.de/" target="_blank">Liquid Labs</a></p>
Ramzi Rizk, Co-Founder and CTO of <a href="http://www.eyeem.com/" target="_blank">EyeEm</a></p>
Robin "Daddy" Hemingway, <a href="http://kulturportal.de/-/kulturschaffende/detail/20492" target="_blank">Grammy winning musician</a> and Startup Aficionado</p>
Tine Thygesen, Co-Founder and CEO of <a href="https://everplaces.com/" target="_blank">Everplaces</a></p>
Tor Rauden Källstigen, Founder of <a href="http://loopc.am/" target="_blank">Loopc.am</a></p>
Verena Delius, Founder of <a href="http://www.goodbeans.com/" target="_blank">Goodbeans </a></p>
<a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/eyeem" target="_blank">EyeEm</a></p>
<a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/gidsy" target="_blank">Gidsy</a></p>
<a href="http://leanovate.de/" target="_blank">Leanovate</a></p>
<a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/startupbootcamp" target="_blank">Startupbootcamp</a></p>
<a href="http://www.tumblr.com/" target="_blank">Tumblr</a></p>
<strong>WHY TOA BERLIN</strong></p>
The boundaries between the worlds of startups, music and art are fading. These disciplines share a passion for creativity and collaboration. Technology is a major drive to us all. At the center of this convergence is a warm, welcoming bosom: Berlin. </p>
We are fascinated everday by the unbound drive of young Europeans to venture off the beaten path and follow their dreams to start something on their own.</p>
TOA Berlin aims to be a plattform where those who have not yet taken the step towards self actualization can be inspired by those who have and those who just started can learn from those who are further ahead. On the first day, there will be a kick-ass open air location and the second day is open to satellite events all over town organized by the community.</p>
Come spend two days with us, be inspired and recharge your batteries! </p>
A pinch of SXSW, a pint (or more) of Berlin. Bold. Edgy. Artsy. Guerrilla.</p>
On a Shoestring. </p>
<strong>WHAT TO EXPECT </strong></p>
On <strong>the first day</strong> we all meet at the awesome open air central location for an intense day of conversations and workshops. Connect with your peers, be inspired and learn from each other. There will be interactive talks, workshops, special user group meet-ups, music, art and so much more. </p>
<strong>The second day</strong> will be spread all over Berlin. Everyone can host a satellite event to exchange knowledge, connect with their users or showcase their art and music. Many startups are already working on their satellite events and we are excited to find out what the community will come up with. From open office days to API presentations, BBQs and rocking parties: We are confident that there will be lots of memorable moments of learning, networking and pure fun! </p>
We hope these two days combined create meaningful relationships with people across various fields, countries and disciplines. Who knows, perhaps you end up partnering with someone you meet here or join a startup to change the world. </p>
<strong>THE CENTRAL LOCATION </strong></p>
<img alt="Kater Holzig by Night" src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/010/829/5627356b6df0262bb735a5a1c75cef39_large.jpg?1338495652"></p>
<img alt="Kater Holzig - Indoor 1" src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/010/846/0d524657f55558946c8da8ce602dad31_large.jpg?1338496196"></p>
<img alt="Kater Holzig - Indoor 2" src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/010/845/48125bcb6645f30e6050ce45992cc816_large.jpg?1338496169"></p>
On the first day of the festival we will offer a cool, Berlin style location where startups, artists and musicians can share stories and knowledge in an informal, open-air setting. For that we will rent the whole <a href="http://www.katerholzig.de/" target="_blank">Kater Holzig</a>: a former soap factory, Berlin Neverland and soon-to-be playground for TOA Berlin.</p>
Trust us: that space is absolutely magical, nothing you have ever seen before. </p>
To give you an idea: The founders of Kater Holzig previously owned the world-renowned Bar25 (how many bars get <a href="http://bar25-derfilm.de/" target="_blank">made into a movie</a>?). With Kater Holzig they even stepped it up a notch! </p>
<strong>THE TEAM</strong></p>
We are a growing team from all over the continent, all passionate about tech and creative work. </p>
<img alt="" src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/010/747/7222cb52f1207262c3081f99128760bd_large.jpg?1338492532"></p>
<strong>Nikolas Woischnik</strong> (<a href="http://www.twitter.com/woischnik" target="_blank">@woischnik</a>) Initiator & Head of Business Development. Founder of <a href="http://www.techberlin.com/" target="_blank">TechBerlin</a>, <a href="http://ahoyberlin.com/" target="_blank">Ahoy! Berlin</a> and <a href="http://www.jobslike.me/" target="_blank">Jobslike.me</a>.</p>
<strong>Lutz Villalba</strong> (<a href="http://www.twitter.com/lutzva" target="_blank">@LutzVA</a>) Initiator & Head of Content and Events. Founder at <a href="http://www.naveg.as/" target="_blank">Navegas</a>.</p>
<strong>Daniel Westerlund</strong><i> </i>(<a href="http://twitter.com/wearedigitalime" target="_blank">@wearedigitalime</a>) Creative. Co-founder at <a href="http://www.digitalime.com/" target="_blank">digitalime</a>.</p>
<strong>Guillaume Mutschler</strong><i> </i>(<a href="http://www.twitter.com/thechiliconcept" target="_blank">@thechiliconcept</a>) Multimedia. <a href="http://guillaumemutschler.eu/" target="_blank">UX Designer</a>.</p>
<strong>Marie Bernard</strong><i> </i>(<a href="http://twitter.com/marie_BER" target="_blank">@marie_BER</a>) Media Relation. B2B Marketing and Business Development professional.</p>
<strong>Jörn Kunst</strong> Logistics. Founder at <a href="http://wlcm.in/" target="_blank">Welcome Investment</a>.</p>
<strong>FIND OUT MORE</strong></p>
You can find out more about TOA Berlin on <a href="http://toaberlin.com/" target="_blank">our website</a>. We also interviewed key players of the Berlin startup community about TOA Berlin. You can find these and more videos here: <a href="http://vimeo.com/channels/toaberlin" target="_blank">http://vimeo.com/channels/toaberlin</a>.</p>
Do you have any questions or comments? Just connect with us on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/Toaberlin" target="_blank">Facebook</a> or <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/toaberlin">Twitter</a>. </p>
À quoi servira la collecte
We need to rent the magical Kater Holzig location, pay for technical equipment, insurance, ticketing, free water and other goodies. </p>
The outcome of that campaign will decide whether we can cover our minimum costs. So please take advantage of the earlybird discount and all the other cool stuff we're offering through the campaign.</p>
<strong>If we do not reach our funding target, we won't be able to do the festival at all, so please support us as early as you can.</strong></p>
Thanks so much! </p>
5 €
- 11 contributions
Support us! Donate to make the very first TOA Berlin happen. Everyone who contributes will be credited on our supporter wall on the web.
50 €
- 7 contributions
Elevator pitch us! Even if you can't attend in person. Pitch us your idea or project in a 1 min YouTube clip. We will show all clips in a loop at the central event. Lots of influential people will see it, ergo: make sure to be awesome!
75 €
- 96 contributions
Be there with us! Get 1 Early Bird Ticket for the very first TOA Berlin. The regular Ticket price later on will be significantly higher. So get 'em while they're cheap!
99 €
- 14 contributions
Bond with us! Get 1 Early Bird ticket + 1 limited TOA Berlin 2012 T-Shirt. The shirt looks real neat and has a unique design made in Berlin.
150 €
- 10 contributions
Take a ride! The TOA Berlin Tour - Let us show you Berlin. We'll take you round to meet some of the startups involved in TOA Berlin. Visit some of the coolest offices and talk to the people behind the product. Forget about the tourist traps and see why Berlin is such an awesome startup hub. Includes a ticket and T-Shirt!
750 €
- 4 contributions
Amaze us! Get 2 Tickets + a dedicated space to present your startup/art/project/installation at the central event. This means that everyone will see you. Make the most out of it! Ask us if you need help with brainstorming or planning your space.
10 000 €
Make it last a life-time! Finance the documentary about the very first TOA Berlin and make your brand stand out. Please get in touch with us to discuss specifics.
Faire un don
Je donne ce que je veux
1 500 €
- 5 contributions
Sponsor us! Become a named KissKissBankBank sponsor with your logo appearing on the TOA Berlin website + 2 tickets + a space to amaze us (details see above). Oh, and you'll also have our undying thanks.