The New Deskmag

Good knowledge and collaboration is vital for the coworking community. Join us, and help create the new Deskmag.

Visuel du projet The New Deskmag
Date de fin
12 411 €
Sur 10 000 €
124 %

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mrvinch4127 jours

Congratulations on reaching your goal. Deskmag is a fantastic and much needed resource.

Urbanfish4127 jours

Happy to help you. Wish Deskmag all the best. Viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz :-)

amsoell4128 jours

Glad I got this in just under the wire! As far as our reward and the attribution on the list of supporters, I'd love it simply listed as donated by "The Salt Mines." Thanks again for all you do for coworking!

Elmar4128 jours

Hello Deskmaggers, hope, you will be responsible for the success of a lot of more coworking places.

coworklisboa4128 jours

Your work is our work. Keep up, you're great. A big hug from Coworklisboa!

La Cordée4128 jours

Allez Deskmag ! Continuez votre boulot c'est super !

Thomas4129 jours

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Ecoworking4129 jours

Thank you for your great work that has been very useful for the creation of our coworking space! Keep going! The Ecoworking Team

f1tch4129 jours

Goaaaal! Well done :)

bruno.martin4129 jours

Longue vie à DeskMag ;) et à bientôt à Barcelone pour la Coworking Europe !

teddy.nuts4131 jours

Really excited to support the new Deskmag!! :)

ShareDesk4132 jours

WOOT! :)