Unexpected Photo Essay on Cortázar, Paris and his readers

An unexpected work for a narrator of unexpected stories. For Argentine writer Julio Cortázar to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth

Visuel du projet Unexpected Photo Essay on Cortázar, Paris and his readers
Date de fin
2 767 €
Sur 2 500 €
111 %
tomaslaguitarra3753 jours

Viva el arte, vivan las ideas, los proyectos y el empuje constante de los artistas! :)

jessica.bertaux.53763 jours

Bravo pour ces magnifiques photos Hugo. Hâte de voir les autres à ton prochain vernissage :)

missnatalia3811 jours

Congratulations on such wonderful work, Hugo! You are truly talented and these photographs and the theme behind them are evidence of that. Felicidades, de verdad.

Magdou3812 jours

Go Hugo, go! And never stop sharing your passion with others.

IsidoreLC3819 jours

Bon courage pour la collecte et on se voit le 16.

truthbum723831 jours

Hope the project reaches its goal! Will do my best on this side of the world to get some support for the project. Brilliant work.

vasta3831 jours

So excited to support the excellent work done by people I care for.

mathieud3831 jours

Bon courage pour la collecte Hugo ;-)

cmckerracher3832 jours

Beautiful project Hugo! well done. - Colin.