VISUAL CULTURE a tool for design collaboration (with GIT)

Visualisez l'évolution de vos projets de design, facilitez vos collaborations, exploitez la puissance de Git !

Visuel du projet VISUAL CULTURE a tool for design collaboration (with GIT)
Date de fin
471 €
Sur 12 500 €
4 %

Édition 2014

Europe Refresh

Soutenu par

Europe Refresh soutient le projet VISUAL CULTURE a tool for design collaboration (with GIT)MAD - Brussels Fashion and Design platform soutient le projet VISUAL CULTURE a tool for design collaboration (with GIT)Wallonie Bruxelles Design Mode soutient le projet VISUAL CULTURE a tool for design collaboration (with GIT)
Nico3735 jours

I share the same wish than Antoine. I hope this tool will exist. A lot of good vibes. Nico

Antoine Gelgon3773 jours

En espérant que cet outil verra le jour. On en a besoin. Antoine