Organic and sustainable agriculture on KissKissBankBank

Restaurant, store, culture, cosmetics ...: one thing in common, organic
- Organic farming and breeding projects: Le Citron de Menton IGP bio, Poulehouse (the egg that doesn't kill the hen), le miel de La Ferme de Camille...
- Restaurants and food shops: Trattino à Lyon, Bloomy Cuisine Vegan à Toulouse, boulangerie La Bäckerstub à Strasbourg...
- Stores that sell products from organic farming: Tout bon (bulk & organic) in Paris, L'ANTRE-POTS à Donzère, Aujourd'hui Demain à Paris...
- Food products and innovations: les pains Wacols, Funky veggie, natural snacks in the form of balls, TÉMA le maté glacé certified organic, Merveillœufs, the very first vegetable eggs, Carrés sauvages, a raw and committed chocolate ...
- Documentaries that provide information on the ecological transition, the dangers of unreasonable consumption or highlight sustainable, ecological and organic initiatives: Demain, le film by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent, Douce France by Geoffrey Couanon, Food Transition which highlights new food models, Juste devant nous, a documentary series to preserve our soils ...
- Training projects like L'École d'Agroécologie Voyageuse and le centre Agroécologique des Amanins.
- Organic and natural cosmetics such as sunscreens (SunnyCare), facials (green barbès) and soaps (Papy Papette).
- Engaged mobile applications like The Place to Bio, which references organic restaurants, Raisin, l’appli du vin nature...
- Books on ecological transition and sustainable food: Ecologie sans transition, le livre, Food Sherpa, ma cuisine sauvage et nomade, Une Agriculture du Vivant, réconcilier la terre et les hommes...
- Media committed to more organic like Regain Magazine, Veìr Magazine (the review of neo-gardeners)…
A call for projects is currently underway to support living soils
Chloé, our expert who supports your ecology, agriculture and food projects
Events to promote organic farming and more responsible consumption
Festivals that put the agriculture of tomorrow at the center, such as Let's take agriculture out of the show
Program of the 2020 edition