Local authorities and crowdfunding: KissKissBankBank is committed to your side

Le Castel d’Alzac (Aveyron) transformé en gîtes par la mairie de Saint-Jean-d’Alcapiès grâce au crowdfunding.

Public actors and KissKissBankBank: 4 ways to work together
1. Project mentoring
Among the pioneering public actors in project mentoring, we find several regional natural parks from 2010, Grenoble, Les Lilas and Romainville (first cities to mentor local projects in 2015), Versailles Grand Parc, first agglomeration, the metropolises of Lille, Rouen , Bordeaux, Val d'Oise, Corrèze and Ardèche (first departments), the PACA region but also state public establishments, such as the Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat since 2015.

2. The launch of a crowdfunding campaign

Some examples of projects launched in crowdfunding by public actors
- The Groupement d'intérêt public du Havre launched the campaign “Jusqu'au Bout du Monde” to reconstruct a vandalized work (July 2020 - € 34,185 collected - 392 backers)
- Le Muséum de Bordeaux - science et nature has raised funds to produce a mediation adapted to the handicap (July 2019 - € 11,600 raised - 111 backers).
- The Musée des Impressionnismes de Giverny raised funds to co-finance the acquisition of the painting La Seine à Vernon by Pierre Bonnard (October 2019 - € 32,961 raised - 225 backers).
- La ville de Pau launched a solidarity campaign to offer vouchers to caregivers to spend at small traders (May 2020 - € 4,607 collected - 263 backers).
- The CHU of Lille launched, during the health crisis, an appeal for donations to buy hospital equipment. (April 2020 - € 64,046 collected - 890 backers).
- The Commune de Saint-Jean d’Alcapiès (Aveyron) rehabilitated the Castel d'Alzac, a former castle-sheepfold transformed into a stopover lodge (December 2019 - € 10,001 collected - 79 backers).
- The Commune de Fontaine-le-Port (Seine-et-Marne) launched a fundraising campaign to create an eco-responsible and innovative canteen / daycare (April 2018 - € 14,715 collected - 95 backers)
- The municipalité de Chavanay, between the Rhône and the Pilat, has raised funds for the creation of a heritage: a trompe l'oeil fresco located at the entrance to the village, instead of a 150 m blind wall at the entrance to the town. (May 2017 - € 2,565 collected - 41 backers).
- The Bibliothèques de Bordeaux launched a campaign to save the Atlas of Mercator and Hondius by reconstituting a cartographer's workshop (December 2019 - € 8,763 collected - 135 backers).
- The musée d’art contemporain de Lyon (macLyon) has acquired, through a crowdfunding campaign, the work Rainforest by David Tudor. (December 2017 - € 24,442 collected - 133 backers).
3. The creation of a call for projects

4. Relaying local projects

A referent 100% dedicated to public actors and local authorities