Health and disability: committed projects supported by KissKissBankBank

Le Reflet, restaurant qui emploie des personnes porteuses de trisomie 21.
Projects that take care of our health, our caregivers, the sick and their loved ones
- Mobile applications to improve the monitoring of its pathologies (MAP Patho), to use virtual reality to alleviate patients' pain (Bliss) or to fight against the spread of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (WeFlash).
- Restoring Caregivers in a Health Crisis Situation (Covid-19) : Les paniers solidaires, Communauté éco-table, Les bols d’Antoine...
- The sale of works of art or objects for the benefit of hospitals or research : Urgence artistique Paris, le t-shirt Cool Raoult, Coron[ART]virus avec le CHU de Lille...
- The creation of dispensaries in disadvantaged countries.
- Ambulance funding.
- Improve the daily life of hospitalized children (Happytal) or EPHAD residents.
- Educational books on diseases such as Les lésions dangereuses on endometriosis.
- A box to improve the daily life of cancer patients and support them in their recovery (The Fighting Kit).
- The production of masks and visors to protect medical personnel and citizens : Masque XIX®, Masques lavables Made in Grand-Figeac, Mask in Belgium...
- Organic and natural cosmetics to improve the health of all of us: sun creams (SunnyCare), face care (green barbès), soaps (Papy Papette)...
- And many other projects or initiatives!

Projects that improve the lives of people with disabilities
- Promoting the professional integration of people with disabilities : Le Reflet (restaurant hiring people with Down's syndrome), Bewood and La vie est Belt (fashion accessories made by people with disabilities), Bottega Mathi (Italian restaurant for the inclusion of young autistic people), le XXI (inclusive restaurant in Rouen)...
- Improving the comfort and the autonomy of people with reduced mobility, mentally handicapped people, visually and hearing impaired people, etc... Among these projects: an autonomous supermarket trolley with automatic motorized movement (iFollow), an application for car rental between individuals (Wheeliz), an adapted games console (Handigamer), a brand of clothing for children with reduced mobility (Les Loups Bleus), an application to enable disabled people to ask for help (Lpliz)...
- Developing disability sports, for example, by funding the participation of Paralympic athletes in the Paralympic Games: paratriathlon, disabled skiing, wheelchair basketball, tennis, etc. A 100% Paralympic media (HLigue) has also been created to democratize disabled sports.
- Giving better access to education to people with disabilities, children with behavioural disorders or cognitive retardation through special education: association Althéas (a school for autistic children), Lyon Basket School (a wheelchair basketball school for children), Le voyage Extra Ordinaire (making culture more accessible to people with disabilities)
- Fight against discrimination through poster campaigns, TV spots (Down up), awareness-raising actions...
- Games to create a link between people with and without disabilities: Dites-le en langue des signes, "C’était quand ?" : le jeu sur l’Histoire des Sourds...
Some inspiring projects, committed to people with disabilities
Increasing the autonomy of people in wheelchairs
The start-up raised €20,670 from a community of 361 citizens.

"Dites-le en langue des signes", the game!
This inclusive game raised €9,800 from 308 citizens.

Committed partners at our side
"L'atout citoyen" with La Banque Postale Assurances

"Les coups de cœur" of La Banque Postale

HandiTech Trophy